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Chapter Thirty-Six: Hazed Mornings

The early morning light woke Kagome, and she tilted her head to the side. A guard stood outside the open door. She heaved a sigh as the event's of yesterday played back in her mind.

"Milord!!!" Kiyoshi yelled running over to his lifeless body.

He turned to look at Kagome.

"What have you done?" Kiyoshi raged.

"I... I didn't," Kagome started.

"Guards!!!" Kiyoshi hollered his yokai flaring.

Kagome tried to shrink against the opposite wall as guards surrounded her. They grabbed ahold of her as healers filed in, quickly looking over Sesshomaru.

Great Kagome thought as they escorted her out.

Words: 100

Prompt: Early

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Caged

"Miko," came the voice of the eldest of the high council.

Kagome fidgeted in her hand binds, as she listened quietly. The old demon looked down on her from his chair the others wore faces of worry and fear, but he was calm and relaxed.

"I believe your testimony, but the problem still stands, Milord is at this current moment, breathing but unresponsive."

She lowered her eye, almost feeling guilty.

"It has been decided that until the time Milord awakes you will be kept here as a prisoner."

The tears started falling before she even realized, a prisoner here? Now?

Words: 100

Prompt: Calm

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Silky Attire

Prisoner, Kagome thought letting out another big sigh. More like a doll, they had demanded that she change her inappropriate attire, now she had two servants teaching her the proper way to put on a kimono. She looked down at the fabrics, possibly pure silk, that they wrapped around her waist. There is no way I'd run away in this, she thought, maybe that was their true intentions. She glanced back at the guard, maybe he'll allow me to see Sesshomaru. They had given her a hard cast for her foot, so she was willing to venture around more now.

Words: 100

Prompt: Pure

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sleeping Beauty?

Kagome walked slowly under the weight of her Kimono. Her guard following carefully behind her. She hadn't asked to go, but she was certain it didn't matter, he was there to make sure she didn't run. She had one of the servants direct her to Sesshomaru's quarters. She wasn't sure if they'd let her in. The guard at his door eyed her suspiciously, but she assured him that she wasn't here to do anything. Sesshomaru's chest rose and fell slowly, as Kagome gently tucked a hair behind his ear. A sensation running through her as her finger brushed his ear.

Words: 100

Prompt: Tuck

Chapter Forty: Ignorance

She kept her features composed as Kiyoshi walked circles around her. His pacing was beginning to tire her.

"What do you want?" she asked a sharpness to her voice.

He stopped and looked at her.

"The healers can't find anything wrong with Milord," he said bending to her level.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing," she answered for the umpteenth time today.

"Well then what happened," he asked angrily.

"I don't know one second he was fine, then he touched me and he wasn't," she began.

"He touched you, So it was your fault!" Kiyoshi barked.

Kagome just shook her head.

Words: 100

Prompt: Composed

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