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Chapter Twenty-Six: Future What?

"I just wish that you believed that," Rin said roughly.

Atsushi's face paled, going from on shade of Grey to another.

"I do," he said gently, "I just have my reservations about it."

"Um," Kagome started looking between the both of them.

"Oh," Rin said almost remembering she was there.

"Kagome-chan, I would like you to meet Atsushi, my future mate."

Atsushi bowed low to Kagome before looking up.

"I have heard much of the miko who saved the world." he began "But I wonder where Master Inuyasha is?"

Kagome was quiet for a moment, even she didn't know that.

Words: 100

Prompt: Shades of Grey

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Inuyasha

Her eyes wandered over to Rin.

"Well," Rin began "When we found you Inuyasha-sama was nowhere to be found. Milord is going to bring you to them tomorrow."

"Presuming he can find them," Atsushi said smugly.

"Milord can always find them, until then," she said turning toward Kagome "it will only be a temporary separation from Inuyasha-sama."

Kagome only nodded, before looking down at her wrapped ankle.

"Well Atsushi," Rin began "I will bid you goodnight as I must return to my room for the night, and you must get ready for the festival."

He bowed low then left them.

Words: 100

Prompt: Separation

Chapter Twenty-Eight: By His Side

Kagome sat at the edge of Rins four post bed gazing lazily out the window. The sun had just begun to set turning the room a soft orange.

"Have you ever been to one of these festivals?"Kagome finally asked.

"No," Rin said as she combed her hair. "Humans are strictly forbidden, If we go we will die."

"But haven't you wondered what it was like? Haven't you ever wanted to go?" Kagome asked

Rin stopped and looked at Kagome directly "Always, but I am fine with this"

She then looked out the window, "Alive, I can be by Atsushi's side."

Words: 100

Prompt: Fine

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Curiosity

But was being Alive enough for Kagome. She looked down at her foot, the product of her already alive life. She watched as Rin slept, the moon barely rising outside, she could see the flickers of light as the festival started down below. She knew it would be tasteless of her to even think about intruding, but her curiosity would not cease. She knew that her foot wasn't going to heal anytime soon, but her curiosity overpowered the pain she felt. For the third time that day she left the room, sneaking out for a peek at an unknown world.

Words: 100

Prompt: Tasteless

Chapter Thirty: Ceremonial Dance

When Kagome finally reached the place of the festival, she kept well out of site, her foot throbbed horribly and she wondered if she had done the right thing. She briefly checked the winds direction, and moved closer but kept behind the tree line. In the center of the festivities was Sesshomaru and Atsushi. Atsushi was preforming a very complicated dance routine.

"He is trying to prove himself to Lord Sesshomaru," came a voice behind her.

Kagome turned to see Kiyoshi, and she froze.

"I will not turn you in, but interrupt my brothers dance, and you'll wish I had."

Words: 100

Prompt: Complicated

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