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Chapter Sixty-One: Pity Party

"All we have to do is get you into a death like state." she continued.

"And do you know how to do that?" the Daiyokai asked, already regretting his agreement to this.

"Well," she said her lips turning down as she wrung her hands together. "Yes."

"Then what may I ask is the problem?" he asked noting her change in behavior.

"Well," she said a look of remorse crossing her face, "It will hurt."

He almost laughed at her, her pity was misdirected, the Daiyokai was accustomed to pain.

"Sesshomaru," she said softly, biting her lip "It will hurt badly."

Words: 100

Prompt: Remorse

Chapter Sixty-Two: Preparation

"Is this like some kind of spell?" Kiyoshi asked from the bedside, were Sesshomaru laid.

"Yes and no," Kagome said from the corner where she worked diligently.

"It's a mix between reiki and medicine. While it won't kill you it will seem as though you are dead."

Sesshomaru suppressed a sigh, then flicked his gaze to Kiyoshi. He had decided that his personal guard should be privy to the current ongoings. Yet he was rethinking this as well, as kiyoshi shot question after question to the young Miko.

"Kiyoshi!" he finally growled as kiyoshi opened his mouth with another question.

Words: 100

Prompt: Spell

Chapter Sixty-Three: The Vial

After several quiet minutes Kagome finally procured a small vile of red liquid. A wave of dejavu coming over her for a second.

"You'll need to drink this all at once. Are you sure you wont need restraints?" she asked as she moved to the bed side.

"I am sure," Sesshomaru replied his patience wearing thin.

"Alright," she said handing him he vile, "Kiyoshi could you please stand behind me just in case."

Kiyoshi laughed lightly at the thought of this but did as he was told.

"Ok Sesshomaru drink up," Kagome said.

Sesshomaru brought the vial to his lips.

Words: 100

Prompt: Red

Chapter Sixty-Four: Death

Kagome kneeled behind a barrier of Reiki, Kiyoshi almost cowering behind her.

The second Sesshomaru drained the vial, his yokai lashed out, hitting Kagome dead-on. His eyes were glowing red almost as if in mid transformation. A low growl omitting from his chest. His body was twitching and there was no doubt in Kagome's mind that Sesshomaru wasn't in excruciating pain. But slowly he began to calm his breathing slowed, then stopped. His fingers relaxed, his long nails leaving bloody marks on the palms of his hands.

"I'm sorry Sesshomaru," Kagome whispered as his body lay limp on the bed.

Words: 100

Prompt: Heartfelt Apology

Chapter Sixty-Five: Not Death but Life

"It was the wish of Milord," Kiyoshi said to the audience in the great Hall.

"For us not to mourn his death, But to celebrate his life. Milord choose Death, not because he was weak, but because he was strong."

The subjects were finding it hard to grasp the reason for their Lords death, so Kiyoshi continued on with the planned actions.

"The Miko could not Purify the Spell she placed on Milord, a spell, that left unattended, would kill all. Milord choose to end his life to protect those of his subjects. Please celebrate Lord Sesshomaru's life with me.

Words: 100

Prompt: Grasp

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