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Each Chapter was inspired by a randomized prompt


Chapter One: Higher and Higher

Kagome sighed, this mountain path was treacherous. The limbs of nearby trees kept clawing at her face, leaving thin spiderlike marks on her flush cheeks.

"How much longer till we arrive?" Sango asked repositioning Hiraikotsu on her shoulder.

"How am I suppose to know!" InuYasha growled cracking his fingers.

"InuYasha!" Kagome threatened, everyone was a bit edgy.

They had finally reached a town, only to learn that the villagers were plagued by a dark witch in the mountains. The gang had agreed to check it out, but Kagome began feeling sick, and the higher they went the worse it got.

Words: 100

Prompt: Limb

Chapter Two: Lopsided World

A crocked hut came into view as the gang rounded another corner. InuYasha stopped abruptly sniffing at the air.

"Hold up," he said putting up a hand, "Something doesn't smell right."

He made his way to the hut, and opened the door slowly, it creaked under his weight. he entered and a few moments later came back to the doorway.

"Come on guys, there's nothing wrong."

They followed suit into the hut, Kagome stopping in the entrance. Her eyes trained on scarlet streaks marring the wall.

"Kagome?" came Shippo's voice by her feet.

She blinked and the stains were gone.

Words: 100

Prompt: Scarlet

Chapter Three: Wind Swept

"Keh!" came Inuyasha's voice in-front of her "This was a waste of time."

Kagome looked at him, as he punched the wall, the decaying timber splintering in response.

"Inuyasha," she began stepping over the threshold.

Suddenly a cackling laugh rung out around them, a shadow obstructing the light from outside. Kagome whirled around to find a slender woman standing in the doorway. Her long black hair swirling around as if blown by a nonexistent wind. Kagome froze, every nerve in her body sending out electrifying pulses, she barely registered Inuyasha drawing his sword.

"So you've finally arrived," the woman said.

Words: 100

Prompt: Nerve

Chapter Four: Sweet Dreams

Kagome's mind was groggy, her shoulders felt as if they were being torn from their sockets. Her wrists shackled, the cold metal rubbing against her skin. She blinked her surroundings coming slowly into focus. It was dark and musty, a large cauldron sat in the center of the room, a brilliant blue fire stoking it. Suddenly the black haired woman came into view.

"So you've awoken," she said, a glint from a knife making itself present in her hand.

Kagome's eyes flickered down, before searching the face of the woman.

"Don't worry it won't hurt." the woman said stepping closer.

Word: 100

Prompt: Lock

Chapter Five: They Say it Doesn't Hurt

The woman stuck the knife deep into her side. Kagome gasped her voice gone, as she felt the hilt press against her skin.

"Now, Now," said the Woman "It wasn't that bad."

Kagome gritted her teeth she walked over to the cauldron, spilling Kagome's blood into it. It sizzled and popped as the liquids touched. She quickly withdrew a small vile from her yukata. It gleamed in the flickering light as she poured the dark red liquid into the cauldron. This time a large cloud of smoke bellowed up.

"Just as I thought," she said a smile on her face.

Word: 100

Prompt: Cloud

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