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This Story is being rewritten But I decided to post what I have written on here for ChristinaVice, my little sister. I hope that you all enjoy it.

Chapter Fifty-One: Poisoned Death

Kagome looked at him in confusion, as he lifted his eyes to look at her. The golden glow was gone, replaced now by a piercing red.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome questioned as she nearly jumped to her feet.

Although his eyes were glowing there was no transformation taking place. His right hand began to glow green as the poison formed on his fingertips. Kagome stumbled away, as he took a steady step toward her.

"Don't worry," he finally said "I will make your death quick."

With that he shot-out his hand and plunged it deep into the left side of her chest

Words: 100

Prompt: Shot

Chapter Fifty-Two: Faulty Magic

Kagome stood shocked, waiting for the pain to come. But there was none. He stood motionless in front of her; his eyes glazed over. Kagome slowly looked down at her chest, his hand was wrist deep within it. But there was no blood, Kagome almost laughed, was this a joke? She blinked up at him, and just as suddenly he was gone. The strength in her legs left her and she crumpled to the ground as little flecks of particles glinted and drifted to the ground at her knees. Was this some kind of magic? Kagome quickly remembered the witch.

Words: 100

Prompt: Joke

Chapter Fifty-Three: Surreal Dreams

Kagome stood up quickly, her thoughts swirling. Then she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, ignoring the sharp pain in her foot, to Sesshomaru's chamber. She pushed past the guard on duty and flung the door open. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. He was sitting upright staring blankly at his right hand. His eyes glanced up at her and lingered. They did not have to say anything to know what they both had experienced.

"My lord," the guard said suddenly behind her. "How are you feeling, what can I do for you?"

Words: 100

Prompt: Run

Chapter Fifty-Four: Answers

"Leave!" Sesshomaru growled.

The guard looked confused glancing from Kagome to Sesshomaru, before realizing the command was directed at him. He backed out slowly making sure to close the door as he did. Sesshomaru stood up quickly, momentarily losing his balance, before he shoved Kagome up against the wall.

"Show me!" he commanded, yet she stared at him blankly.

With a growl he ripped open her Kimono and stared at her chest.

"You are not injured?" he said rhetorically.

He stepped away from her his gaze almost a glare.

"What is going on?"

"I wish that I knew," she replied.

Words: 100

Prompt: Ripped

Chapter Fifty-Five: Close Quarters

They were quiet for a while before Kagome inched toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Sesshomaru growled.

"I am tired," she said "I was going to go back to my bed."

"No," he said quickly standing up and heading to the door. "Until I can figure out what is going on you are not allowed to leave my sight."

"I will make arrangements for you," with that he exited the room.

He returned moments later followed by a few servant girls who were carrying a futon. They made up the bed neatly on the floor, then bowed and left.


Prompt: Tired

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