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School is practically empty when we resume on Wednesday.

The ss3's and the jss3's are the only ones in school since we're preparing for our JAMB exam which is to commence next week and the Ogun state exam to begin for the Jss3's next month.

Teachers are not teaching us today,we're to prep till closing hours but it's hard reading judging from the way everyone keeps giving me frightened and judgmental gazes so I pretend to be reading at the backseat where Tunde sat before to avoid Marabel and Akin.

It still hurts to know Tunde is gone.

It's just a matter of days before dad and mum clears my name from all the false accusations made against me.

Marabel and Akin must know I'm avoiding them from the confused expression on their faces while they talk about me and pretend they aren't looking at me.

Should they even be confused?.

I continue to pretend to read nevertheless.

I decide to follow Motunrayo home after closing hours.

We talked and laughed on the way home until Akin voice interrupts us.

'Hey pelumi,why are you avoiding us?'Akin pants his words after running with Marabel to catch up with us.

I try to ignore them and walk past them with Motunrayo by my side but Akin shields my way with his body.

'Is it because of her?' He says,regarding Motunrayo with disgust in his tone. 'She's poisoned you against us,hasn't she?. Pelumi look through whatever lies she's told you. She's the murderer and we can only proof this if we work together and not against each other.....'

'I don't want to hear anymore Akin' I cut him off.

'I'm done with the crap that comes out from yours and Marabel's mouth'

'But....'Marabel tries to speak but I give her the warning glare to shut her up.

'I and Motunrayo are going straight off to the proprietress house to get to know the truth about it all. And when we do?,get ready to spend a minimum time frame of five years in juvenile prison' I say right after cutting off Marabel.

'We are?' Motunrayo asked confused,seeing I didn't tell her about my plans earlier.

'Yes we are. I'll tell you all about the plan on the way' I reply her while walking away from the shocked expression on both Marabel and Akin's face after I leave with Motunrayo.

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