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The last thing I was expecting was mum to raise her hand at me.

She and dad hadn't done that until now that she slaps me across the cheek.

She walks to the large plasma TV on the wall in the living room and switch on the TV with the remote on the centre table.

The news going on on channel news is about me and the useless rumours on how I killed two of my classmates.

Shit!. Proprietress Makinde has completely framed me.

'Look at that pelumi!' Mum screams over the roof.

'Can you see the kind of shame you've brought upon me and your father?. Where did we go wrong raising you?'

'Where did you go wrong?!. Oh of course you didn't. You never went wrong when you and dad blatantly cheat on each other or is it when you both cut me off by spending twenty three hours of the day outside the house?' I heave out loudly after letting out most of my emotions through anger.

'Young man don't you raise your voice at us!' Dad cautions me. 'Do you have any idea how much humiliating it was bailing you out of jail?. And more so,how my employees would look at me seeing that you've topped the chart in trending Nigeria news?'

'You're not so innocent yourself dad!' I yell back.

At this point,I've long forgotten my manners.

'I'm not too young to not understand that you sleep around with your personal assistant' I continue. 'And at this rate,I wish you left me jail than bringing me home only to believe the news than whatever your son has to say'

Dad was about raising his hands at me until mum came between us to stop him.

'Look son' Mum begins in tears,addressing me. 'I know you know everything about how badly I and your dad have been running this home but believe us when we say we're trying to be best parents for you from henceforth but the question is are you ready to do your best for us as a son as well?'

I nod,seeing the sincerity and repentance in both their eyes.

'Good. Then tell us why you did what you did?' She asks,holding my shoulders in a comforting way.

I shrug her hands off my shoulders. 'I've already said it on the way home mum. I didn't kill anyone. Our proprietress is just trying to frame me here'

My confession had provoked a confused grin on my parent faces.

'Mrs Makinde?' Dad says with doubt in his voice. 'Why on earth will your proprietress try to pin something you didn't do on you. And more so,a matter of murder'

'That's what I don't understand dad' I say,frustrated about the whole situation as I slump on a chair in the living room and break down into tears.

Mum sits on the arm of the chair and holds my head in her arms to try to comfort me.

'Pelumi,omo . You're taking us in circles. First of all,you said our proprietress is trying to frame you,then you say you don't know why. You're confusing us,make us understand' Mum says as I wipe my tears.

'It began since I can remember' I begin. 'I've always been the most bullied kid in school for my thinness and black pimples ridiculed face. The bullying either came physically or emotionally so I ordered a voodoo charm to give me the alpha look I've always desired when....'

'When what?' Mum asks,agitatedly.

I keep quiet,dreading what I was going to say next.

'Speak up my friend!' Dad yells the words out of me.

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