Chapter 16

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Kise pov

I notice the smirk on Akashi face. My friend and I sweat drop. We know what Akashi about to say to Kuroko. His brothers look confused. “Shoulndt you start calling me by my given name?” Akashi smirks. Netsu and Natsu sweat drop. Izaya just smirk.
“Why should I?” Kuroko asks, tilting his head a bit. “Isn’t it obvious? You’re going to be my boyfriend again. Wait you’re a girl so, you be my girlfriend.” Akashi responds. Kuroko sweat drop at his statement.

“You aren’t going to let this go, are you?” Kuroko said. “I’m absolute, and I’m always right.” Akashi answer his question. He plays with his scissors. “More like stubbornness.” Kuroko huffs.

Aomine, Momoi and his three brothers, and I try not to laugh at his statement. He doesn’t look like he care if he gets on his bad side. “What was that you said?” Akashi imitates him.
“Ii’s nothing… Sei-kun.” Kuroko mumble under his breath. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.” Akashi demands. “I said it’s nothind Sei-kun.” Kuroko speaks louder. “That’s what I through.” Akashi smirk. He put his scissors away.

“Can we go now? Oh, I forget to say we’re not going to America since you going to change into a demon. We’re are going to hell.” Izaya smirk. Kuroko already cover his  ears because he already know what we’re going to do.
“WHAT!!” all of us shout. “Why are you all so surprised. Of course we’re going to hell since we’re are a demon.” Izaya amused how their react. “Oh, we almost forget.” I said.
“You guys better hold on to us.” Netsu mentions. “We’re going to teleprt to hell.” Natsu adds. “Before that, Tetsu put a spell on them. So they won’t be burn to death since they still a human.” Izaya said. “Alright.” Kuroko said.

After Kuroko put some kind of spell on us, Aomine and I grab the hold of Netsu shoulder. Midorima and Murasakibara place their hand on Natsu shoulder. Momoi grabs Izaya hand with a blush on her face. Akasi wraps his arms around Kuroko waist.
“Here goes nothing.” Kuroko and his brothers say. They use their teleportation to get to hell. We arrive and it’s freaking hot. Everyone was sweating a lot except Kuroko and his brother.

The only thing we all think right now is ‘ How can they not sweating went it this hot’

Momoi pov

“Our father should be in his office.” Tetsuya informs us. “Take us to your father to have his approval.” Akashi demands. “That was the plan.” Izaya scuffs. “Is that any way to talk to me?” Akashi glares deadly. He holds his scissors in his hand.

I always wonder where the scissors keep appearing from. Tetsuya lets go of Akashi hand. “You maybe Tetsu boyfriend, but it doesn’t mean I have to show my respect to you. You’re a nuisance who captured my sister heart.” Izaya returns the glare.

“..and it never happened before!” Netsu agrees with him. “What do you mean by that?” Akashi intimidates them. They are looking at each other with deadly auras. “Tetsu never fallen in love with anyone until you and your stupid friend show up.” Izaya continue.

“You all need to get used to have me and my friend around Tetsuya. We’re not going anywhere!” Akashi said. he throws his scissors at them but Izaya and Netsu deflect the scissors to a wall. There is a spark between Izaya, Netsu and Akashi.

“What is your father like?” I interrupt them.

Kuroko pov

“He is the oldest and strongest demon that ever existed. He is also an idiot and stupid old man.” Izaya answer. “But when it come to work he is serious and protective towards every family member.” Natsu continue.
“Uncle doesn’t show any emotions towards anyone beside our family and the people in the palace. He rather have everyone sees hi as a heartless Demon.” Netsu add. The tension between them has stopped.

Akashi and my brothers have calm down from the heated argument. I notice that Natsu and Netsu are staring at Momoi with familiar looks. There are in love with her. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have paid attention to her if they didn’t have feeling for her.

Glancing over, I notice Iza-nii is staring at me. We know what will happen between Momoi and the two brothers. ‘This palace is definitely going to be lively.’ I speak in my mind. I feel someone grabbing my hand.

Turning my head, I see Akashi intertwining his fingers. “No one is going to keep me away from you, Tetsuya.” Akashi smirks. I nod. “It’s not that I care or anything, but we should get going.” Midorima speaks. “I agree.” Iza-nii and I respond.

We head to the staircase and use them to get to the first floor. Going down the hallway, we eventually arrive to my father office and knock on his door. After hearing my father say, ‘come in’ we enter the office and see him working naked.

“I see both of you’re back.” Father said. “What the hell father, not this again.” Iza-nii shouted. “Father.. where are your shirt.. don’t tell me you left them in you room again?” I asked. “yes I did, it so hot today, Tetsuya.”

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