Chapter 10

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Murasakibara pov

‘Poor Aka-chin… he doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment from Kuro-chin.’I think. Strolling down the sidewalk, I continue eating my snack. There isn’t anything for us to talk about.

How can we walk to each other after finding out about Kuroko being heartless? None of us expect him to turn into this kind of person. It make me feel like I don’t want to face Kuroko and see it for myself. Sighing, I hope I won’t meet up with him soon.
I leave Midorima when I make a right turn. I’m just walking down the street when I suddenly came face-to-face with four guys. One of them is Kuroko. “Kuro-chin…” I trail off.

“Just how many people are we going to bump into? And why do they have to know Tetsu?” the back hair huffs. “I believe it’s bumping into Tetsuya old friends day.” The tall blue hair answers him. The four of them have a deadly and cold aura.

“And did has to be a giant guy.” the small blue hair guy grumbles. I look at Kuroko with a frown. “Why did you leave us, Kuro-chin? I ignore his three brothers statements. “It’s none of your damn business, nuisance.” Kuroko insult me.

“The Kuro-chin I know, wouldn’t be cursing. He’s to polite.” I state. I continue eating my food. “What is with you and the others? I’m not the same Kuroko that you know.” Kuroko glares.

“Testu is right giant. He is not the same person that you know.” The black hair guy agrees with him. “Are they the reason why you changed, Kuro-chin?” I ignore his brother’s statement. “No, you need to stay the hell away from me.” Kuroko demands. He and his three brothers walk away.

Time skip to next day

Kise pov

I enjoy spending time with my boyfriend. We take Friday and weekend to spend time with one another. Aomine and I are panting from playing basketball. “You have starting to improve your skill, Kise.” Aomine comment. He walked over to me.

“I will be as good as you.” I cheerfully smile. Grabbing my waist, he pulled me into a kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I return his kiss. I feel his arms tighten around my waist. We deepen the kiss when we both close our eyes.

I enjoy these moments with Aomine. He breaks the kiss after a couple of minutes. We stare at each other in the eyes. He rested his forehead on top of mine. “I love you, Kise.” Aomine confesses.

“I love you too aominecchi.” I return his confession. There’s love in his eyes when he removes his arms around me. It’s peaceful between us.

Izaya pov

Walking into the basketball court, we notice two guys standing there. We recognize them right away. They are the formal friend and teammates of Tetsu. I remember the conversation that I had with my twin brother.

(I won’t explain what the conversation are.. sorry)

Sighing, I know we have to deal with this two idiots. They are a nuisance like the rest of them. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out t GOM are determine to get Tetsuya back to his ‘old self’.

“Great… just what I need.”  I hear Tetsu mumble. I’m glad he manage to keep himself together. Otherwise, things will get complicate while we’re here. I don’t really like the idea of dealing with his ‘formal’ friends.
“Don’t worry about them, my dear sister.” I mention. I place my hand on his back to comfort him.

Netsu pov

They are staring at Tetsuya with a frown. It’s clear to me they are his formal friends. I glare deeply at these two idiots. They aren’t worthy of Tetsuya’s attention. I don’t understand what my brother sees in them when he was going to their school.

“Kurokocchi…” Blondie trails off. “Let’s go guys. I don’t want to stand the same area as them.” Tetsuya coldly demands. He completely ignore them. Turning around he walk Out of the basketball court. Izaya, Natsu and I follow him. We don’t say a word to them.

“Let’s go do our mission like we supposed to” I suggest. “I agree.” Natsu says. We use our inhuman speed to get to Dark Dragon clan. We’re planning to kill them, once and for all. They have been getting on our nerves for the past couple of years. We go straight into the forest with determine looks.

It doesn’t take us long to find the clan. We snap our fingers to change our clothes. The colour of our eyes turn red. I and Natsu hair change to black. We use our teleportation to get to our destination.

Tetsuya and Izaya go to the third floor. Natsu heads to the main floor and I go to the basement. Getting out of the shadows, I start killing the members in the basement.

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