Chapter 14

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~Time skip to a weak~

Narrator pov

Kuroko and his brother haven’t heard or seen Akashi since he learned their secret. Kuroko is glad Akashi understand his reason why he cant be with him and there a lot more he doesn’t know about him.

Izaya and Kuroko finish their soccer and football practice for the day. They head towards Netsu and Natsu, who are waiting for them. They look like they want to say something.

“Why don’t we kill both clans today.” Netsu requests. The older twin nod in agreement. “I want this mission to be over with.” Natsu sigh. “Then let’s split up.” Netsu suggest. “Sound fine with me.” Kuroko shrugs.

“Natsu and I will go to Night Star Clan.” Netsu inform them. “Tetsu and I will go to Shadow Night Clan.” Izaya adds. “Then it settles.” Kuroko said. They all nod to each other.

Netsu and Natsu use their teleportation to get to their location and notice the Night Star Clan is bigger than they through. Their eyes turn red and their hair change to black. Snapping their fingers, the clothes change to black.

“Are you ready to do this?” Netsu smirks. “I was born ready.” Natsu return the smirk. “The first person who gets more victims win.” Netsu declares. “You’re on!” Natsu accept the challenge.

Charging into Night Star Clan, they go on separate ways. Natsu is taking care of the main and second floor. Netsu handles the third and four floors.  The victims start running away, but he easily catches the weakling.

Using his claw, he rips their throat open. This goes on for twenty minutes on the second floor. Natsu destroys every room within a blink of an eye. Netsu grabs the heir and rips her heart out of her chest, slowly and painfully.

‘Their blood looks so beautiful.” Netsu think. After Natsu killing every victims on the main floor he uses his flames to destroy the main and second floor. Once Netsu done killing, he uses his flames to put the third and fourth floor on fire.

Using his teleportation, he leaves the burning building and watches the building burning down. Natsu appear beside him. “It’s beautiful.” Natsu mention. “Yes, it does look beautiful.” Netsu agrees.

“How many victims did you kill?” Natsu changes the subject. “I kill 35. What about you?” Netsu answers. “I kill 50.” Natsu smirks. “It looks like you have won.” Netsu sighs.

“You should know I’m the best killer ever.” Natsu chuckles. “Yeah, whatever.” Netsu scuffs. “How did you kill the leader daughter?” Natsu puzzle. “I rip her heart out of her chest, slowly and painfully.” Netsu smirks.

“How cruel.” Natsu muses. “You think I’m cruel? Izaya does 10xs worse than me.” Netsu snickers. “I wonder how Tetsuya and Izaya are doing.” Suya changes the topic. “They should be done by now.” Netsu affirms.

Kuroko pov

I sneeze for a couple of times I don’t need to think to know my two brothers are talking about me behind my back. “Let’s burn this building down.” I said. “agreed.” Iza-nii responds. Using our teleportation, we leaves the burning building.

“Are you ready to head home?” Iza-nii quizzes. “Yes, I’m ready to leave Japan this time.”  I answer. I don’t have to worry about my friends safety. There aren’t any more clans that are alive.

“You’re not leaving us, Kuroko Tetsuya.” A very familiar voices speaks behind me. Nii-san and I recognize this person right away. Turning around, we see the whole GoM standing there.

Akashi pov

“What do you mean we’re not leaving without you?” Tetsuya ask, shocked. It’s my first time that I ever see him showing emotions. “You heard Akashicchi! We’re going to America with you and your Brothers!” Kise cheerfully replies.

“I have a feeling Akashi has told you guys about me and my Family being Vampires..” Tetsuya trails off. “…but why do you want to continue hanging out with Tetsuya if you Knew he’s a vampire? You guys don’t know what kind of dangerous life we go through.” Tetsuya twin continue.

“You don’t know how many deaths we witnessed or how many victims we slaughtered.” Tetsuya adds.

“Our life are much more different and dangerous compare to you guys. You don’t know how much bloodshed that has been spilled in our life. Do you really think you can handle seeing your own kind getting killed?” Tetsuya twin inquires.

“I don’t care what I see and go through if it means I got to spend time with Tetsu!” Aomine respond. “Yeah! I want to be with Tetsu-kun, whether he is a vampire or a human!” Momoi agrees with him.

“I don’t care if I see bloodshed if it means I get to play with Kuro-chin again.” Murasakibara adds. “It’s not that I care or anything, but I agree with them. It’s much more fun if we stay together.” Midorima shrugs.

“Why do you guys still want to be with me after the harsh treatment I gave you?” Tetsuya deadpans. “We know you only acted this way because you didn’t want us to learn about you. You feared we wouldn’t accept what you are.” Kise answer him. It’s quite amusing to see Kise using his brain for this.

“Do you have any idea how he would feel when he has to watch you guys die from an old age?” Tetsuya twin avers. “My heart will be so much in pain if I have watched you guys die.” Tetsuya adds.

“Then why don’t you turn us into a vampire? And what is your name?” Aomine huffs. “What? You cant be serious!” Tetsuya and his twin exclaim. “You just ask now, my name is Izaya.” ‘so his name was Izaya’ I think in my mind.

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