Chapter 1: That Night

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I was walking on the streets late at night. The night sky was clear and I could see the full moon. Being outside felt very peaceful. My last meeting with my manager was an exhausting one. Luckily the situation was resolved and now I could spend a few days off in peace. One more night alone at the apartment then I would meet my cousin Marie at the train station at Calamari County.

She had already left to start her vacation earlier today. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was midnight. I thought about giving her a call but decided against it. Marie was a night owl but she would probably sleep a lot earlier in order to meet me at the first train tomorrow. No harm done though, once I arrive the two of us can hang out again.

Marie had seemed so distant. It was like we didn't know each other anymore. We were both too busy with our solo careers to spend time together. The rumors about us didn't help our situation. Some people thought we were planning to disband the Squid Sisters. Others thought I hated Marie because of my loss in our last Splatfest. They just couldn't let that one go could they? I still loved cousin despite our disagreements and her insults directed towards me on live television. Nothing will ever change how I saw her. We had grown up together after all. I truly meant it when I said, "Squid Sisters for life!"

I noticed there was a familiar song up ahead. I slowly peeked around the corner and saw a small gathering of inklings. It looked like they were having a party. The song they were playing was "City of Color" one of our songs. It was great knowing people still enjoyed our songs. Maybe Marie and I could write another song together. I was starting to miss the days we would make music.

I was wearing my Squid Sisters outfit. If I continued going down the road they would most likely recognize me. I didn't want to be mobbed by a group of fans right after starting my vacation. Luckily I knew this area of Inkopolis really well. I could navigate the sewers and reach my apartment without being noticed. I went to the nearest grate and turned into my squid form to slip into the sewers. Little did I know that would be the biggest mistake of my life.

While I was in the sewer, I thought I heard someone following me. I stopped and tried to listen. I waited for a few minutes but all I could hear were cars on the surface and an occasional drop of water. Must have been my imagination. I continued my journey back to my apartment. Shortly after, I was certain I heard footsteps approaching this time. I spun around to see if someone was following me. I saw someone trying to hide by ducking into a corner. There was someone stalking me. Panicking, I started to run away as fast as I could desperately trying to reach any exits before the stalker could catch me. Maybe if I got back to the surface I could find help.

I ran until I saw one of the exits, I was going to make it. Suddenly a pole flew past me and landed between me and the exit. The top section opened up revealing two more arms that started to shower purple ink. It had become a splashwall. No, I was so close to safety. If only I had my roller, I could smash that wall or at least fight back. I turned around to face the inevitable.

Once I turned around I could see my pursuer much more clearly. He was an octoling but something was different about him. I don't remember ever seeing any octoling boys in the Octarian army and he didn't wear the oversized goggles I was used to seeing. Instead he was wearing glowing red shades. He had a large purple afro matching the color of his ink. He was noticeably larger than me and was armed with an octoshot. The octoling was using his octoshot to cover the area around me in purple ink. There was no where left for me to run.

"Give up! You have no where to go and I have a gun. You are Callie, one of the Squid Sisters I presume." The octoling said as he came closer. He had a victorious smile on his face. He knew he had already won.

"Yes... w-what do you... want w-with me?" I asked trying in vain to hide my fear.

"Personally I would want to splat you right now but I have orders to take you alive, not to kill you." The octoling answered with hate in his voice. He violently grabbed me and shoved me against a wall. "You see our Shogun Octavio has something special in mind for you Callie. Or should I say... Agent 1!"

My eyes widened. How did the Octarians know I was Agent 1? Marie and I always took every precaution to keep our affiliation with the New Squidbeak Splatoon a secret. If they know about me. Maybe she is in danger too.

I began to struggle. "Help!" I started to scream hoping someone on the surface could hear me. "Someone! Anyone! Help me!" His left arm kept me pinned against the wall and he quickly pointed the octoshot at my head. I immediately froze and stopped screaming.

"We already broke him out of your little snow globe prison. Octavio wishes to thank you for the hospitality you had shown him during his imprisonment. He has asked us to repay you in kind." the octoling said.

I remembered the prison Octavio was kept in. I thought Captain Cuttlefish was watching him. If Octavio escaped that meant something must have happened to the Captain. Did he get captured again? That would explain why neither Marie nor I had seen him for months. I thought about running but even if I got free it would be difficult trying to run through the ink he had set up. Without any weapons, I didn't stand a chance. I really was at his mercy.

"You and the rest of the New Squidbeak Splatoon gave us a lot of trouble two years ago. Now we are barely scraping by. You have no idea what you put me through! Me personally!" He yelled. I could feel the anger in his voice and it look like he was planning to strike me. Then he took a few deep breaths and calmed down. "If it were up to me I would splat you right here but my orders are to take you alive. I will follow my orders whatever they are. However I only need you alive, that doesn't necessarily mean in one piece. So consider this payback!" He then raised his fist and punched me in the face. The impact knocked me unconscious instantly.

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