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Hello Everyone!!!
I am the author of this book, and if you've reached this chapter and actually do enjoy this book I have very bad news for you. Lately I haven't had the inspiration nor willingness to write anymore chapters so the story will end here for me.

But I also have some good news. Anyone of you if you wish too can continue this story on your own account. If you would like to do it just comment it below, and I'll pick the person myself by replying to you. All I ask you redirect your readers to this story first to they can understand the story.

Please do not just write the same exact words from my story into yours because I actually worked really hard on these last 12 chapters. And it'll be a whole lot easier for you to just send them to this story. But other than that you are free to do whatever.

Once again I thank you for reading this fan fiction so far and I hope it made you happy (*^_^*).

Songs From You (Bakugo x oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz