Chapter 2

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Bakugo's POV
After another horrible day at school I decided to go searching for my stupid soulmate. It's been three whole fucking months since I've made that promise to myself to find her, and I never go back on my word.

I was determined to find her soon after what happened in class today. During our hero course she started playing a song that made me wanna kill the guy that made her want to think that.

But that also doesn't mean finding her is my only priority. I mean... I can't let that damn Deku defeat me now can I. I'm gonna be the #1 Hero and surpass All Might. So to make sure that happens after I go searching for her for about 1 hr I go back home to train.

I don't even bother to do the homework since it's shit like whose quirk does this belong to or something like that. Currently I was looking at the park hoping to find something that could lead me to hear, but I stopped when I heard a high pitched shrill.

I look up to see a girl falling out of the sky. "What the fuc-" but before I could finish my sentence she fell right on top of me knocking us both to the ground.

Mika's POV
I closed my eyes as I was about to feel the impact of the cement floor, but it never came. Actually the fall didn't even hurt me at all. I bop my head on the "floor" again but it felt soft. Then I heard a growl and look up to see a very angry pomera- I mean boy.

Then I realized that I didn't fall on the floor, I fell on him. I quickly get up and say, "I'm so sorry" while bowing. He only made a tch sound and started to walk away. But before he could I grab his hand. "Wait... before you go can you tell me where we are."

"Are you an idiot or something" he spats. I look down in silence. He decides not to answer my question and walk away. But he stopped abruptly and turned his head towards me.
"Well are you just gonna stand there like a tree or follow me."

Huh...what's with this guy I thought but that didn't stop me from follow him. I really didn't have much of a choice either since I didn't know what this place even was. While we were walking around I saw so many different types of people around, and when I mean different I mean people with antennas on their head.

But then I heard a loud booming noise. Shocked I look around and see a giant (Mt. Lady) fighting some sort of mutant crow? Along with other people there to help.

I look to see if the boy is as surprised as I am, but he just kept walking like nothing even happened. I catch up to him and grab his arm to make him stop. "What the hell are you doing dumbass."

"What am I doing- I should be asking you that. How are you so calm when that's going on" I yell pointing towards the scene. "Do you live under a rock or something; that kind of stuff happens all the time."

He pulled his hand away from mine and kept walking leaving me frozen to the ground. Wait...did he just say this kind of stuff happens all the time. What kind of world did that mad man sent me to I think

I quickly get out of my trance and run to catch up to him. We've been walking for a good ten minutes now, and I've just realized that I don't even know where we're headed to. AHH I mentally scream

How could so stupid I can't believe I'm following a complete stranger to who knows where. He could be trying to kill me for all I know. I look at him and see that his face looks calmer than it was before.

You know now that I think about it he looks kinda hot. Wait...stupid Mika stupid Mika you can't think that stuff about a guy you just met; especially if he might try and kill you. Ok from now on I have to be on my best guard I think.

A few minutes later we reached a house and the boy walked in. Should I really go in I think I mean I don't even know the dudes name; much less if I can trust him. *Sigh* Well considering I have no where else to go I guess I have to.

I walk up to the door slowly opening it while poking my head in. Inside there's a women cleaning the kitchen who looks exact like the boy, and a man with brown hair reading the newspaper on the couch. Must be his parents I thought.

Suddenly the women noticed me and threw the knife she was holding. I screamed barely dodging but the women was quick enough to get another knife and point it at me. "Who are you" she asks.

"Honey calm down" said the man. "Why don't we just talk." "Are you crazy, she could be here to kill us for all we know." "Look at her" he said. "She's shaking like a leaf. A person who came to kill us wouldn't do that."

I didn't realize it myself that I was shaking until the man actually said it. She put the knife down but as soon as she did the same boy from before ran into the room. "What's going on I heard a scream." he yelled. "Huh...oh it's just you" he said pointing at me.

"YOU KNOW HER" they both yell. "Oh yeah this idiot fell out of the sky and on me. I was planning on leaving her there but then for some reason I pitied her so I told her to follow me here."

The lady suddenly grabbed my arm and said, "Sweetie I am so sorry for what I did. You must be a real special girl for my boy to pity you. Come...come sit down and stay for a while."

I was debating wheather I should actually do it or not but before I could determine it she dragged me to the couch and sat me down. Then she brought her husband and son and sat them down next to her. "Shitty women stop I gotta go train." Said the boy which made the lady smack him.

"Hello I am Mitsuki Bakugo, but you can just call me Mitsuki, and this is my husband Masaru." "My name is Mika Sato" I say, "But I'd rather be called Mika." I look at the boy and see he was pretty pissed off, and kinda scary.

But he though he did I stood up and bowed in front of him. "Thank you so much so much for bringing me here. If it wasn't for you I don't know what would've happened." "Whatever" he mumbled looking away.

"What is your name" "It's Katsuki Bakugo" "Katsuki Bakugo" I mumbled. That's a pretty cool name, unlike mine.

"Hey idiot I got a question for you" he asks grabbing my attention. I look at him confused, but when he asks me it I start to get nervous.

"Who the hell even are you?"

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