Chapter 4

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Mika's POV
I was walking around the mall with Bakugo to pick out some new clothes. After I told Mitsuki about my situation she gladly let me go shopping, but the catch was Bakugo had to come with me.

She said he practically never leaves the house so it would be good for him to go with me. I had no objections caused I didn't want to have to bring all the bags homes, but I can't say the same for him.

" I really have to be here" he groaned. "I could be training right now, or finding my soulmate." Wait...he cares about this whole soulmate stuff. Huh...who would've of thought, he definitely doesn't seem like the type of guy who would.

Well I shouldn't judge; I mean I'm sure that at some point everyone would want to find love and happiness. "Hey loser just hurry up and finish this quick so we can leave." "Sure" I say and then we go into the first store.

I didn't go overboard with the shopping since I didn't want Bakugo to get pissed. Especially since his quirk is explosion. One blast and I'll be dead. All I picked out were a few sweaters, tang tops, t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, and a few pairs of shorts. I also was able to buy some earbuds for my music.

By the time we finished shopping it was about lunch time so we decided to go to the food court. As soon as we sat down at our table this guy with red hair, and another one with yellow hair and a black zap line came up to us.

"Wow Bakugo I didn't know you had a girlfriend" said the guy with yellows hair. "Yeah you didn't have to hide it from us bro" said the one with red hair. "Shut it you extras, and you got it all wrong. This dumbass would never be my girlfriends." He says pointing at me.

Just ignore it Mika I thought as a tick mark came on my face. Instead I faced my direction towards the two boys and asked, "Not to be rude but who are you" " didn't tell her about us. Well I'm Denki Kaminari, but you can just call me Denki, and this is Ejiro Kirishima."

"Hey" said the guy whose name was supposedly Kirishima. They both looked at me and I realized I didn't introduce myself. " name is Mika Sato but just call me Mika."

"Pretty name for a pretty lady" hummed Denki. "Hey can we sit here with you guys...thanks" Before we could even respond he pushes me closer to Bakugo leaving enough space for the two of them. Too close I thought as I noticed how close I was to him.

This is kinda awkward; I mean I'm surrounded by boys right now, and I barely know anything about them. But I'm pretty sure their all in high school cause they look around my age. Ughh....I can't handle the tension in the air anymore.

"Hey guys imma get us all some food. What do you want?" I ask. They all give me their orders and I go to place them. After I tell the cashier the order I go into my purse to get out some money. no no....this can't be happening right now.

I look into the bag further and still see no money in there. Omg how could I be so stupid to spend it all on clothes. What am I gonna tell the guys. Hey sorry I didn't bring any food cause I'm casually broke.

I was too worried to not noticed a figure walk behind me and hit me on the head. I look up to see Bakugo placing some money on the counter. "Here" he grunted to the cashier and he immediately placed the order in and started making the food.

Then he looked and me and said, "What are you an idiot. How the hell could you forget to bring money." "I did bring money; I just accidentally spend it all."I did whispering the last part. "Same thing"

"Whatever...just be grateful I was here to pay." "Yeah thx" I say as I take the trays of food from the person but Bakugo ripped it out of my hands and took it himself. I giggle to myself and follow him back to our seats.

As soon as the plates are set down the boys all scarf down their food like they haven't eaten in days. I on the other hand ate like a normal human being; calmly. But I got to admit this tasted pretty good.

After we finish our food we go our separate ways. Denki and Kirishima were gonna keep shopping while me and Bakugo went back home. "Bye guys" I yell as we started to walk away. "Bye Mika" says Kirishima.

"Hey Bakubro you better tell us why a cute girl is living with you at school on Monday." Said Denki. And then the both of them left, and so did me and Bakugo. But what Denki said kept me blushing. He thinks I'm cute I thought. A guys actually thinks that of me.

Wait could he be my soulmate; I mean it is possible for them to live in other dimension. But that never came to mind since I didn't think that stuff even existed. "Hey Bakugo" "What" "Did the people we just met find there soulmates yet." I ask curious but also wanting to know if I said was true.

He was quiet for a moment but then spoke. "Kirishima hasn't found his yet, but surprisingly the charger bolt found his already; the girls name is Jirou. " Aw man I thought. I really thought he was the one. Well whatever; I guess I just have to wait for mine to come.

I went through the shopping bags and pulled out my earbuds. If I'm gonna be disappointed I might as well listen to music as well. I ripped open the packaging and plugged it to my phone.

I wasn't worried about tripping or anything since Bakugo was right next to me. I'm sure he would stop anything from happening to me; right?

Bakugo's POV
I watched as Mika took out her earbuds from a bag. Oh so she's one of those people I thought. Generally I hate music and every part of it. The only reason why I played the drums for the festival was cause if I didn't everyone would've thought I was a wimp.

I don't even see the purpose of this ability to be able to hear your soulmates song. I mean it's not like it's a big clue to finding them. I'd rather just did them myself with my own strength. I look at Mika as she puts the device in her ears and starts playing a song.

A second later I start hearing a song play though my head. Ughh....out of all times why did my shitty soulmate have to listen to music right now, and too make it worse it was another depressing song. I look over to my side and see Mika frowning.

What the hell I thought. What could she be possibly listening to. About a minute ago she was happy. She looks over to me and point to her earbud. I was about to say no but before I could she stuck it in my ear. What wrong with her; for all I know her ear co-

But I stopped my thinking and listened carefully to the music. How's this possible; the lyrics, rhythm, and even the little mistakes in the song sounds the same as the one my soulmate is playing now.

Wait.... then this can only mean one thing. Oh god; please don't tell me that this idiot is my soulmate.

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