Chapter 8

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Bakugo's POV
Before I could rush out of school the two idiots caught up to me and grabbed my arms. "What the hell are you doing" I yell. "Come on Bakubro since you ditched us yesterday we decided your gonna buy us some sweets at the cafe downtown."

"What why me" I scream as they both drag me down the street. I'm all honesty I could easily blow them up, but the last time I did that I got suspended for a week. And I didn't hear the end of it from the old hag so I wouldn't dare make that mistake again.

But don't count yourself lucky; I'll get the two of you back during training tomorrow I thought while smirking evilly. They finally stopped dragging me when me reached the place. I got up and followed the two of them inside.

I look around the place since I've never been here before, but the second I do I see a person who looks exactly like Mika. That couldn't be her could it I think while sitting down at a table. A waiter comes and Denki and Kirishima order while I continue to look at the girl.

It couldn't be her could it I thought. We specifically told her not to leave the house, so I'm sure she would've listened. But then again if I had to stay with the old hag for a day I'd want to escape too. Without thinking I get up and walk to table.

I place my hand on the girl's shoulder and she looks up. It is Mika I thought. I give her an annoyed look but before I could even say anything to her the pro hero Hawks who was apparently sitting in front of her grabbed my shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing" I grumble. "I can ask the same thing for you" he says with a smile on his face but I could tell he was mad. "Bakugo what do you think your doing" yelled Denki and Kirishima as they pull me away from him.

Then the two of them start apologizing for me, and even though they told me to do it to I refused. I wasn't going to apologize to a guy who was hanging out with my soulmate. Wait- why did I just say that, no...don't tell I really jealous over something like that.

I look at Mika see how nervous she's getting. I realize because of the commotion everyone attention was towards us. "Tch...come on Mika let's go" I say while grabbing her arm. "Ahh...wait let me get my purse first." She gets her belongings but I continue to hold her arm.

"Wait" says Hawks. "I can't just let you take her away without knowing if your not dangerous." "Hawks is fine" says Mika. "He's my friend so don't worry." "Ok if you say so" he says. "Well I'll be off then it was nice meeting you Mika" and then the bird flew away.

Was about time I thought. That bird brain took forever to get the the hell out of here. "Hey Kacchan why you glaring at the air." Asked Charger bolt. "No reason" I grumble and let go of Mika's hand.

"Mika when your done with your chit chat come out; I'll be waiting." Then I leave the cafe.

Mika's POV
"Okay Bye Bakugo" I say but I'm sure he didn't even bother to hear me. What's his deal, and why'd he get so mad when he saw Hawks. I'd get it if he reacted that way to me but he didn't.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I look to see Kirishima. "Hey Mika you okay." "Mhm... I'm just figuring out why Bakugo was so mad." "Don't bother." Said Denki. "That guys like a volcano; you never know when it's gonna explode."

"Actually scientist can figur-" I start. "Whatever you know what I mean" he says. "Kacchan just explodes out of no where"
"Huh...Kachan...whose that" I ask confused. I heard them call him that before too but why?

"Oh it's Midoriya's nickname for Bakugo when he was little. You see they used to be best friends a long time ago, but Bakugo isn't to font of him now." Said Kirishima. "Oh...yeah that makes sense." I say.

"Welp I better leave before Bakugo get's even more mad, but it was nice meeting you again." I say before leaving. "Bye Mika" they both say and then I go outside to see Bakugo leaning against the wall.

"Finally you got out, I thought it was going to take you forever. Come on dumbass we gotta get home." He gets off the wall and starts walking while I follow him. I kinda kept a small distance between us since he was still mad at me.

I didn't want to take any chance of getting hit by him.

Bakugo's POV
While we were walking I realized Mika was walking behind me refusing to get closer like she usually does. "What's wrong with you" I ask moving closer to her but she kept moving back away from me.

God this is getting annoying I think. I guess I have no other choice but too-. I grab her arm and pull her closer her to me refusing to let go. "Why are you being so distant; usually your so bubbly when we're walking together."

"Well why do you care" she asks. "Usually whenever I act like that you tell me to stop." "And when and that ever stopped you" I argue. "So tell me what wrong." "Fine...I'm acting like this cause it obvious your mad at me so I'm giving you some space."

What the hell is this baboon talking about I think. I give her a confused look and say, "Why would I be mad at you?" "Huh...isn't it cause I sneaked out of the house when you told me not to." "Idiot I don't care about that; if fact from now on you can the leave the house when ever you want too."

"Really" she screams. "Yes but with one exception; no more hanging out with strangers like the pro hero Hawks for example." "Okay deal" she says while clapping her hands. I look at her excitement face that's making me want to smile too.

I quickly look away blushing. What's gotten into me today I think. I mean I know we're soulmates and all, but I've never felt this way about anyone. "Hey Bakugo I have a question for you" she asks.

"What is it" "Well since you in the Hero Course and all I was wonder what your Hero name was." "My hero name....I don't really have one. I mean I wanted to be named King Explosion Murderer, but the stupid teacher didn't except it."

"Have you ever thought about a different one" she asks. "Nope... but that stuff doesn't matter right now. I can think of a hero name when I become the #1 Hero like All Might." I say. "But how will become #1 if the people don't know what to call you."

"Heh....well I guess you do have a point." I said. Why does she care so much I thought. I look at her and see her concentration really hard. "Wait...I got it" she yells. "Got what?" "I know what your hero name can be. It'll be Ground Zero."

"What kind of name is Ground Zero, sounds stupid. you think I'm stupid" I yell. "No no no" she quickly says. "I was thinking about a name and realized that you have a very powerful quirk; so that mean you can save a lot of people."

"And?..." "Let me finish okay....Before you were talking about the #1 hero All Might. When people hear that name they immediately become relived or happy because of how powerful he is. As soon as they here your hero name "Ground Zero" they'll know that everything will be okay because you'll be able to handle anything that comes in your way. Hence the name Ground Zero"

I look at her in shock. Did she really come up with all that just now, and for me. I looked at her and she looked at me intensely waiting for me answer. "F-fine I'll make that my hero name okay."

"Yess" she yells while jumping in the air. "Well then Ground Zero you'll have to work hard to be able to live up to that title; are you ready for it." I smirk and say, "Oh hell yeah, you bet I am."

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