Chapter 7

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Mika's POV
Today's was the most boring day of my entire life. Yesterday wasn't that bad since I had to clean up, and arrange my room so that kept me busy. But today I had nothing to do. I look at my phone for the hundredth time today hoping time had gone faster, it didn't.

"I have to wait another hour before Bakugo comes home" I groan. You know what...fuck it imma go outside and do something fun. I just have to make sure to come home before Bakugo does cause he'll definitely get pissed. Well maybe not pissed but I'm sure he'll be mad.

But if I have to stay in this room bored for another second I think I might lose my mind. And plus I think I'll be fine with the knowledge Mitsuki gave me. All I have to do is not look amazed when I see something really cool. I quickly throw on some good clothes and walk down the stairs.

But to my dismay Mitsuki was in the kitchen cooking. Oh god what am I gonna do I thought. Maybe I can sneak passed he-. "Mika where are you going" she asks surprisingly calm. " see I just wan-" but she interrupted me.

"Honey just be home before Bakugo comes back." " already knew" I ask. "Yup and I don't really blame you either. I mean I know I would want to be stuck in a room for the rest of my life. Go out an have some fun."

I smile and thank her before I rush out the door. I didn't want to waste even a second of not being able to explore the town. I didn't really get the chance to see everything before, but I'm glad I will be able to now.

I look around the city amazed by everything. I know I told myself I shouldn't, but I couldn't help but just do it. People started staring but I didn't bother paying attention to them cause I was too fascinated by a man with wings.

He has blonde hair slit back with these yellow tinted glasses. I guess he noticed me starting cause he flew down in front of me and said, "Well I don't think I've seen you around here before; are you new to the town."

I nod my head still surprised he noticed me. I also got kinda nervous since all the women around us were glaring at me. This guy must be pretty popular with the ladies to have them act like this I thought.

"What's your name?" he asks. "Mika Sato but you can just call me Mika." He holds out his hand and I reach out my own to give him a firm handshake.

"Well then you can call me by my hero name Hawks, but I guess you already knew that." Hero name I thought. I guess every hero has to have one. Hmm....I wonder what Bakugo's hero name his since he's a hero in training.

Hawks pulled me out of my train of thoughts by asking, "Hey if your not busy want to grab some food at a nearby cafe." "Sorry I'm not interested in old guys" I say while walking away. Sure he looked pretty hot but he's not my type at all.

He can go hang out with some other chick that's interested. "I didn't mean it like that" he yelled. "Just as a friendly gesture to get acquainted with you a little more. And I think it'd be in your favors since it doesn't look like you have much friends."

A friendly gesture huh...well I guess I could hang out with him for a bit. I mean he is right about the part about me needing friends so I'll take it. I walk back to him and say, "Sure let's hang out." "Glad to hear that, and for you information kid I'm not old; I'm only 21."

"Still old compared to me" I hum as we both walk to the nearest cafe. I go take a seat and he joins me. Not even a second later a waitress came and took our orders. I wasn't really sure what to get since I'm not used to the food here.

But I just ordered the same thing as Hawks since what he ordered sounded good. I looked into my purse to make sure I had brought money this time, and thankfully I remembered to bring some.

Thank God I don't have to wash the dishes again I thought. The lady was so harsh on me last time; I don't wanna have to experience that ever again. Plus I'd feel so embarrassed if I had to ask him to pay for me. I only got of lucky cause Bakugo was there to pay for me.

"So...." I say. "This is a nice cafe; do you visit often." I look around the place but instead of looking around all I see is women glaring at me. Wtf...who is this guy actually. Does he have some secret cult or something.

What what if they see me as a target and try to kill me. I can't die yet; I have so many thing I want to do in life. I was interrupted by my thoughts again my Hawks calling out my name.

"Oh sorry I was thinking about something, what were you saying." "It's fine, and about your question yes I come here quite often." He says. Well that explains why all these girls are here. These poor women probably come here everyday hoping to get his love and affection; or at least him looking at them.

I wonder if this guy even realizes that this happens, he probably does, but then again he could be like one of those main protagonists in almost every anime. And they're one of the most densest people alive.

I was about to ask him when the door to the cafe opened adverting my gaze there. But that was a huge mistake because it turns out the person there was Bakugo and his friends Denki and Kirishima.

Wait how long did I spend talking to this guy I thought. I pull out my phone and see that it's 3:00. What the- it's already been an hour. I gotta get out of here before he sees me. But before I could I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to only be met by Bakugo's red gaze.

I'm screwed I thought

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