Chapter 9

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Mika's POV
A month had now gotten by, and to be honest it was the most fun I've ever had. Bakugo did keep his promise of letting me be able to go outside and do whatever, but as long as I kept my part of the deal of course.

Denki and Kirishima even visited me a few times which was nice since they're were fun to hang out with. Overall it was a blast but I think the best thing that happened was me getting closer to Bakugo.

He's gotten softer and kinder towards me. Like sometimes he ask if I was okay; or if I was bored he'd let me help or watch him train. He still calls me by his weird nick names like dumbass or idiot, but he's started to use my real name more.

But there is one thing I don't really get at all. He acts like this towards me, but to everyone else he acts like his usual self. You know the grumpy, frustrated, annoyed; I mean the list could go on and on. Which is why it makes me curious.

But I'm not gonna question it; I mean this is the first something good has happened to me. Can't afford to get jinxed, and ruin it all. I look at my clock and realize Bakugo's about to leave for school. I've actually been getting up early like him so I can wish him goodbye. It's also good practice in case I ever go back to school.

I rush down the stairs, and to my luck he was putting his shoes on ready to leave. "Bye Bakugo" I say. "Bye..." he says in an annoyed tone but I can tell he isn't annoyed. After that he gets up and leaves. "Well I guess this has become a routine for you two huh." I jump and look around realizing it's only Mitsuki.

"Oh...sorry there kiddo. Didn't mean to frighten ya." "It's fine; I just didn't realize you were standing there. And to answer your question; yes. It kinda has become a routine for me to do this." "Well Mika I really appreciate and I hope you do know Bakugo does too." She says.

"We're so fortunate to have you live here with us. Whether you realize it or not because of you Bakugo has change so much for the better. He's even said sorry to me a few times when he's broke a plate or something; which he never does. But don't tell him I said that or he'll blow another fuse."

I giggle. "Don't worry I won't. I'll just go back to my room now." And as I was about to leave Mitsuki stopped me and handed me and box. "What is this stuff and why is it so heavy" I complain. "Well your still only in high school, and since your not going to school you know what this mean."

"What does it mean?" I ask scared. Though in reality I knew exactly what is meant. The thing that ever student hates worse than going to school; is being home-schooled. At least when you go to school you get to see your friends, but you can't when your home schooled.

"And by the look of your face you already know what I'm gonna say. So get to work kid so you don't end up dumb like Bakugo." She says. *Sigh* Welp...there's no way I'm gonna get out of this so might as well get to work. I trudge up the stairs to my room and start doing it.

Time skip to when she finished. (Not all of it but was sick of looking at Math problems.)

I close my math book tired of looking at equations. Who the hell even decided to invent math in the first place. Ok... I understand most of it is needed for basic life problems. But when in the world am I gonna need to know all the different type of shapes that can be classified in a rectangle.

Not the mention the ridiculous word problems. Like when have you ever seen a person buy 253 apples. that I'm done with at least a portion of it I can go watch some TV. I happily skip down the stairs and sit my butt on the couch.

I grab the remote and turn it on hoping it would be on the cartoon channel. But of course it was on the boring news. I was about to change it when the reporter said something about the UA Hero School. I stopped what I as doing and immediately started paying attention to it.

"Breaking in: This just in the Hero School: UA High has been attacked by villains who call themselves The League of Villains. Luckily there has not been any severe injuries indicated from the Class:1A students, but I can't say the same for the pro hero: Thirteen and Eraser Head. Let us all pray for them for a speedy recovery."

After that I blanked out and only thought about one thing: Bakugo's safety. Oh God what if Bakugo's hurt I thought. Wait...didn't it say only one class was at the sight. So that doesn't mean it was his class. What am I worrying about; there's no chance that his class is class 1A....right? But I knew the second that I saw him on television that I was wrong.

I quickly turn off the Tv and run to get my phone. Once I do I type UA's address into my phone. When I transported here my phone also shifted so it would be the same ones as you get in this world. I look over the directions and realized that the school was only a block away from the cafe I went to with Hawks a month ago.

Perfect I thought. I didn't bother to tell Mitsuki or Mr.Bakugo where I was since they were both at work. I didn't want to call their phones incase they're doing something important. I wasted no time running out of the house to the school.

I sprinted faster than I've ever done before. Which says a lot since I hate to run. But luckily I managed to get there without tripping or passing out. The only problem left was getting inside the school. I heard from Bakugo that his school has tight security systems, and only UA students and teachers can only get in.

I look around and see many reporters and citizens trying to do the same things as me, but probably not for the same reason. The reporters probably want to make sure to get a good story, and the citizens just want to know what the hell is going on.

Wait...maybe I could use this to my advantage I smirk. Since there are so many people here they can't turn their security on cause that would endanger them. Maybe I could just sneak pass- no what am I thinking. This school has securities for a reason. And I'm sure a teacher or student would realize I'm not suppose to be here.

There's also the fact that they'd put me in prison for trespassing into the building. Yep...sorry Bakugo I ain't going to jail just to make sure you're okay. I don't even get why I'm worrying so much.

The lady on the news said that all the students were fine. R.I.P to the teachers tho but I'll be praying for ya. Well I should get out of here before someone notices me. As I was about to leave someone started talking my name. In fact it wasn't one person; it was actually two.

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