"Really? Dang it, oh my god I feel so bad" Namjoon whined. "It's okay hyung, come on we have to get the cake" Jungkook said leaving.


"Oh yay cake!" Hoseok skipped following Jungkook with his bag of chocolates. "Come on, don't worry" Yoongi said pulling his arm. Namjoon sighed and apologized to the women quickly before leaving.



"Jungkook you didn't have to pay for all of that" Namjoon whined behind him as they were leaving the store. "Yes! I told you I was going to pay for my own chocolates" Hoseok pouted.

"Honestly I was hoping you would pay for my cinnamon rolls" Yoongi shrugged. Jungkook rolled his eyes and shrugged "it's fine guys, no big deal" they stopped at his car putting the bags on top of the trunk.

"Here's yours" Jungkook passed Hoseok his chocolates, "and here is yours" Jungkoook passed Yoongi his cinnamon rolls. "Thank you" "Thanks"

"Home is so far! Who lives closer?" Namjoon leaned against the car stretching. "Oh lucky me I do" Jungkook said realizing the location of the store.

"Oh could I sleep over at your house for tonight?" Yoongi asked. "Oh yes! Just one night, we have our clothes in our car and-" Namjoon was cut off.


"But why~" Yoongi whined.

"That is my mother's house, not mine"

"Ask her! Please" Namjoon did puppy eyes to which Jungkook did not fall for. "No, my mother doesn't want crack heads in her house" Jungkook said grabbing the bags and making his way to the passenger side.

"Hey! We're not crack heads!" Namjoon scoffed watching Jungkook put the bags in the passenger seat. "Still no, my mother doesn't want guest over"

"Your mother loves us! Call her right now!" Yoongi crossed his arms. "Uh no" Jungkook shook his head closing the door. "Uh yes! You're just scared she'll say yes"

"No, she's asleep right now"

"OH WE COULD SNEAK INTO YOUR HOUSE!!" Namjoon bounced. "No! Just go home and sleep, I need to go see my mother" Jungkook said trying to sho them away.

Hoseok watched them back and forth pouting a little. He wished he had a friendship like that. "Please Jungkook!"

"No guys, Goodnight"

Then Namjoon started to tear up. "J-Jungkookie" he pouted.

"Dont Namjoon! Don't!"

"you don't love your hyungs anymore?" He sniffed as a tear slipped down from his cheek. Jungkook could never handle seeing his hyungs cry so this made him feel bad a little.

"Okay fine, but stop I actually hate seeing you like this" Jungkook wiped his tear away. Namjoon and Yoongi started to bounce happily.

"Ah see you at the exit"

"We'll be following you!"

Namjoon and Yoongi dashed off towards their cars. "Well Goodnight Jungkook, and thank you for the chocolates" Hoseok spoke up. "Wait you're not coming?" Jungkook frowned.

Hoseok shook his head. "Nah, I'm not that close to you guys"

"You're close to Namjoon! Cmon, I just saw my hyung about to cry now I can't leave the other one out"


Jungkook nodded. "like it won't be awkward?"

"My mother is not an awkward person, she's very uh how do I say it... I don't know but you'll like her trust me"

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