Chapter Fourteen

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"Don't worry Hinata-chan, we're here to rescue you." 

Rescue her? From who? 

Oh. I get it. It's me. I'm the monster now? All because I 'stole' their Hinata. Their Hinata who cried because she thought she wasn't good enough for them. How can they still think she wants to go with them?

Glaring and Shino and Kiba I pull out a kunai then twirl it around on my finger and let my Sharingan activate. Kiba steps forward baring his teeth in a snarl and Shino steps back, putting an arm around Hinata as if she needs protecting. 

"Let her go." I snap, throwing the kunai at Shino's glasses, it shatters the left lens, and before anyone can do anything else, someone jumps down and punches me so hard I fly back and slam into the ground.  

Tenten runs towards me, a kusari in hand. Grabbing a kunai I flip up behind her and use my kunai to knock the spinning chain out of her hand. Grabbing her arm I spin in a circle and let go, then watch as she flies back and hits herself against a tree. Hesitantly the kunoichi gets up and runs towards me, this time looking like she wants to attempt some sort of taijutsu. When she tries hitting the side of my head I block it and pack chakra into my hand then hit her stomach.

With the added strength from the chakra, she flies back knocking herself out and Kiba over. A furry white creature comes to his side instantly and I grimace at the sight of the huge dog. Dogs have never been my thing, cats are definitely superior. For one thing, they don't slobber all over you, as Akamaru currently is over Kiba. 

Glancing up I see Hinata gently shove a shocked Shino away from her and run over to my side. Standing next to me she activates her Byakugan but it flickers off when she sees Kiba start whining at her.

"Naruto couldn't come! He couldn't come! He was too ashamed of how he let you go! He was angry because he let Sasuke take you!"  Hinata's face falls and I just scowl. Brat. Trying to turn Hinata against me are you?

"Fang passing fang!" The Inuzuka yells running towards me and I jump out of the way as Hinata gets into a stance then reactivates her byakugan.

"Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!" she answers back and as Kiba and his ninken continue trying to get to her. 

In less than an instant, Shino and two of his bug clones are jumping towards me, pulling a fireball out I roast most of his bugs, and the few that aren't affected immediately scatter, Shino himself barely jumped out of my way in time and has scorch marks on his loose grey pants. In the time he's distracted I form a shadow clone and send it up a tree nearby. Shino tries again after he gets up, and this time he doesn't form clones and instead just tries to kick me pulling another kunai out of my pouch, I grab his leg and drive the weapon into it then slam him into the ground. I smirk as he gets up then falters on his injured leg. Running, I kick his leg out from underneath him and as he falls forward I grab his arms. 

Hah, this is just like when I first discovered what that curse mark was capable of. Maybe I should break Shino's arms as I did with that useless sound Shinobi. Driving my foot into his back, I pull Shino's arms towards me but stop as he speaks. I quickly form a Substitution jutsu, since he's distracted trying to get his message across. 

"My rinkaichu are hovering above your skin." He stops and waits for me to get the message, which I obviously do but it's not a problem. They can't attack my flesh if I'm merely a shadow clone. Smirking from my perch in a tree, I watch as my shadow clone pulls back Shino's arm with the strength I just transferred into it, then promptly disappears as I pull my chakra back and the rinkaichu attack it. Shino falls to the ground and I wait for Tenten to approach him but she's gone. Where is she? Oh that's right, Akamaru's at her side as she lays, bleeding against a rock.

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