Chapter Twelve

403 12 8

Before the Fourth Shinobi War


It's finally worked. I not only have plans with Obito but also with Sasuke. Both of them are fools and have no one left to save them, they've lost everyone they ever loved and their hearts are too cold to love again. Granted, the chakra I'm planning to add to Sasuke will affect him a bit and leave him less coldhearted, but that's the result of adding different people's special chakra into him. Sasuke is unknowingly going to help my legacy live on. I have the chakra remains from the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, and I need to insert it into Sasuke's chakra. I've mixed my chakra into it, and have added my reserves of chakra. I collected the snake's chakra, his assistant Kabuto gave it to me. Along with Orochimaru, I've mixed Kabuto's medical abilities, Hashirama's senjutsu abilities, a bit of the demon fox's chakra, and a few more key people. Last night, I perfected my mixture and was thinking about trying to find the Uchiha now, but I'll wait for the upcoming battle. Do I really need to wait though? I could get him now. Actually waiting's fine. I'll give my descendant time. It's a pity he'll end up dying in the end. I hate seeing a clan member put down.


Dropping the plate in my hands, I run to Sasuke's room. Tripping over my own feet, I reach his room only to find the door is locked. Spreading chakra over my fist, I smash through the door with a punch Sakura would've been proud of.

    Only to find the wall obliterated and Sasuke's headband laying on the wooden floor. It's too late. Falling to my knees I let out soft sobs. If only I had noticed something sooner. It's all my fault. What will Naruto and Sakura say? Hell, it's not just about them, what will everyone say? I've lost Sasuke and now he's going to try and kill us all.

    "My, my, my." I hear a raspy voice behind me. Not caring anymore, I keep my face in my hands. Then a cold, hard finger hooks my chin and pulls my face up. My breath quickens as I look into a pair of beautifully snake-like, cold eyes. One yellow and one red, both with a black sclera in the middle. Letting out a small breath I bring my right hand up to feel the beauty of a man in front of me. Touching his smooth grey skin, I watch the corners of his dark purple lips turn into a smirk.

    "Hinata." Chills run up my spine as I hear his cold voice whisper my name.

    "H-hai Sasuke?" I whisper to the newly transformed man in front of me. My eyes can barely capture his pale skin and hypnotizing eyes. I slowly activate my Byakugan, and almost pass out as the waves of chakra rolling off of him hit me. With my eyes, I can see a silver pulsating aura around him and he looks different. There are different avatar's around him. Like the paintings in the Hyuga compound that had outlines of each of the past heirs around me. Except instead of black and white, I see dark red, blues, and purples. There's this snake-like man, the first Hokage Hasirama, Madara Uchiha, another white-haired man with glasses, this tailed fox being, and a red-haired man. I-is that Gaara? The sand ninja from the chunin exams? I remember that he was the one who broke Lee's legs. Now he's older, more mature, and less angry.

Even with all the chakra pulsating around him, and the strange new powers I can sense, he still is the same. Maybe a bit more beautiful and intimidating.
But still, as I continue to look at his eyes, the only thing I can think of is how jealous younger Sakura would've been. She would've killed to see Sasuke like this. Maybe even the new Sakura I know would be excited to see Sasuke. Though she is with Naruto, so I don't know.

"Hinata." I hear him say, his voice now less raspy than before. I don't say anything. Instead, I glance out through the obliterated wall, wondering how long it's going to be until someone notices Sasuke's immense chakra. No doubt as soon as Neji activates his byakugan he'll feel the strange chakra.

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