Chapter Four

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With a flash, I'm awake and panting like I've just run a race. My door slowly creaks open, and there's Hinata, her face tight with concern. 

"Sasuke-kun?" she asks, putting her hand to my forehead. "I-is everything alright?" she asks. 

"Y-yea," I say, now I'm stuttering, damn it. Now it's not my nightmare, it's the Hyuuga that's making me feel so weird. Ugh, control yourself Sasuke! I accept Hinata's hand and she pulls me to my feet. 

"I g-guess I'll go make breakfast then," she says, I nod then with one last glance she walks out the door. Sighing I lay on the bed and cover my face with my hands. Why do these nightmares keep happening? I never remember what they're about but they leave me shook the entire day. Walking into the bathroom, I stand before the mirror and lift my shirt up a bit. There's a big bruise-like thing on my stomach. But it's black, not blue. Like it's actually black, as in dark evil scary black. As in my jet-black hair black. I-i'm kind of scared. Why is this happening to me? I think I'll have to go see T-Tsunade. Ew. I'll think about it later, no matter how bad I get I really don't want to see her. Training will probably take my mind off of it. I walk downstairs to go ask Hinata if she'll spar, and she's already packing bento boxes with our breakfast. 

"Training?" she asks, smiling brightly as she slowly shuts the lid of the box. I nod and she happily grabs our breakfast then walks out towards the training grounds. I could get used to this. It's honestly nice having Hinata here, I'm not all by myself, but still, it's nice and quiet. She's even great to train with. I wonder when she'll have to leave. Shaking my head I roll my eyes. Look at what I'm thinking now. It'd probably be best if she left as soon as possible. I mean if I really wanted to I can always ask to train with her, she'll be in the same village. 

Once we're at the training grounds, Hinata sets our breakfast under a tree for later and stands in front of me in her fighting stance. I've decided, I'll teach her the Phoenix Fire Flower Jutsu, and a couple of others.

"Wait." I say, "Don't you want to learn more jutsus with your chakra nature?" I ask. She stands up straight then excitedly nods. I smirk then start showing her some of the fire jutsus, since those are the ones I know most about. "Want to test it out in a spar?" I ask, assuming her answers going to be yes I get into a relaxed fighting stance. She attacks first, running towards me while starting up a fireball. I immediately counter it with one of my own, and our fireballs meet and form a wall in between us. This is going to be hard, fire against fire. I know a little bit of water style, maybe if I get closer to that river... 

Quickly jumping around, I try to get closer to the stream without Hinata noticing, which is extremely hard because she has her byakugan activated. I go stand on the other side of the river while Hinata runs towards me, forming another fireball. I quickly put up a small wall of water, which is incredibly chakra consuming considering as I don't know how to properly control the water. Hinata stops her fireball and sets to work on more hand signs, I can feel my control over the water slowly slipping as a bigger wall starts to form. I look down at my hands confused, then looking over at Hinata, my eyes widen with realization. She grins as the vortex descends on me. I try to use the phoenix flower jutsu to weaken the vortex, but realize that this vortex could help me. Activating my Chidori, I hit the vortex and it gets charged by the lightning. Slowly I push the water apart, and run through the hole I made in the vortex. The water collapses, and Hinata's already in front of me, using the Hyuuga gentle fist to attack me. I dodge with my Sharingan, and try using taijutsu to get her, I hit her arm and she returns it to me with a hit in the stomach. Immediately I double over coughing. She hit the bruise. Suddenly Hinata's at my side, her byakugan still activated, is she trying to figure out what's wrong with me? Hopefully, with her new fancy medic-nin jutsu she can figure it out. This is really messing me up. I lay on my back and try to control my breathing again. Once it's back to normal, I start getting up, but Hinata puts a hand on my chest. 

"There's something wrong. I don't know what it is, but i-its really bad." 


Wow, sorry that was short. I wanted to update today, so I figured I'd write another chapter instead of paying attention to my zoom classes. Well here it is, and hopefully, you like it! Sorry if it's bad, I wasn't really trying when I wrote it, because again I was still in school. Also, I really need to find another title, because 'Everyone Left But Him' not only sounds bad but doesn't really relate to the storyline at all. Well there isn't a storyline yet, I'm just thinking this up chapter by chapter, so as of right now, there is no story title that matches the theme because there isn'tt one. Thats it! 

-Ari out 

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