Chapter Five

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T-there's something in there. Something in Sasuke and I think it's eating him from the inside, or it's taking over his body. From what I can tell it's a big, black mass of charka that's hiding something. It's so different from his normal purple chakra, I mean anyone could tell somethings wrong. 

"I'm going to s-send chakra into you and try and see how that-" I don't know what to call it, but Sasuke obviously gets my point. I grab a kunai and cut his grey shirt open, spreading it apart. Blushing I look away, only to already tell Sasuke's glaring at me. Quickly activating my byakugan I scan his chest, looking for a chakra point. Once I find one that looks suitable for what I'm about to do. I set my hands against his chest, and start pumping charkra through my hands. My pale purple chakra dances with his dark purple, and everything is going well until it reaches the black chakra around his stomach. As soon as my chakra starts to near it, I see the black mass extend a tentacle of chakra out and start trying to absorb my chakra. All around it, I can see Sasuke's chakra continuously being sucked into the huge mass, and it slowly grows as the dark purple chakra turns black. This probably isn't the healthiest thing that could be happening to him. 

Looking up I see Sasuke's strained face, sweat dripping down his forehead, and his eyes quickly flickering from Sharingan red to black. I quickly remove my hands from his chest and deactivate my byakugan, then he relaxes a bit. So when the black mass absorbs chakra it bothers him. Okay, at least I've learned something. I still have no idea what I'm supposed to look for, all of the medic-nin knowledge Tsunadae-sama gave me only tells me about conditions, not how to diagnose. I guess I didn't learn enough? Focusing my Byakugan back to Sasuke's chest, I see the black mass still absorbing Sasuke's chakra, but it's slower now. Probably because my foreign chakra excited it and now my chakra is gone. This is serious, he needs to see Tsunadae-sama right away. Standing up I hold my hand out to Sasuke then help him up.

"You need to see Tsunadae-sama right away." I say as we start walking back to his house so he can change. 

"No." he says coldly. "I will not be visiting that old lady." 

In anger, I whack the back of his head, "Show some respect to the old hokage." I say fuming, he can't just go around disrepecting everybody! Kakashi is his sensei, so I guess that's understandable, but still! 

"I will not go today." he says, not even sparing a glance my way. 

"Tomorrow." I say, crossing my arms and looking away from him. I don't understand why he doesn't want to see Tsunadae, but he has to visit her eventually, I mean I cant diagnose him, or even begin to guess how this happened. This is obviously something really bad! 

"Hn." he says, oh wow! Glorious Sasuke Uchiha won't even grace me with a real response. My thoughts are interrupted by the screaming of a certain pink haired girl.

 "Sasuke!" Sakura says, running towards us. Then looking at me she screams excitedly and wraps me in her arms. "Hinata-chan! I'm so glad your back! Plus now you'll be working in the hospital with me right?" I nod, and she starts talking about all the fun we'll have together, and how she's mad at me for leaving her with 'Ino-pig.' Smiling, I just nod when required and let her talk. Sakura's really nice, and I like her. But I mean now that I know she's dating Naruto-

Still! She's worked so hard to get where she is and isn't looked down on by her family members. Shuddering, I can only imagine how disappointed the elders will be when I show my face at home. Hanabi probably won't be heir anymore now that I'm back. Poor her. "Well goodbye Sasuke!" she says, waving at Sasuke, then with one last hug and a "See you around  Hinata-chan!" she walks off. Sasuke grunts, obviously relieved to watch Sakura leave, and I just smile. 

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