Chapter Two

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When will she wake up? I've been up for an hour now and Hinata still isn't awake. Screw it, I'm waking her up. Walking over to the extra room I knock on the door. Almost immediately she opens it, dressed up and ready to train. 

"O-one s-second Sasuke-kun," she says. I nod, but when did she start calling me Sasuke-kun? It's fine, I'll only be seeing her for a few more days. Then she'll probably move back to her own compound. 

"Meet me by the gates," I say, then turn away from her and start walking down the hall. 

"W-wait!" she yells. Though it isn't much of a yell with her soft voice. I turn around and see her running after me. Stopping I wait until she catches up then start walking again. 

A while later we're at the training grounds and I turn around to face her. "Attack me," I say. She just cocks her head to the side and looks at me funny. "I can't help you train if I don't know your strengths." Nodding she activates her byakugan and charges me. Instantly activating my Sharingan I jump out of the way and start up a fireball. She almost hits me with her gentle fist but I leap up and land behind her. We fight for a bit longer and then once I have her pinned against a tree, we take a quick break. By then the sun has risen a bit, and I ask her if she knows what her chakra nature is. I mean when we were fighting she didn't use any justsus with an element. But still, it was a good fight.

"No," she says, looking scared. Why's she scared? Grunting, I pull out a piece of the special paper Kakashi-sensei gave me a while ago and hand it to her. It crumbles then burns. Oh, so she has a fire and lightning ability. Just like me. I guess that makes catching her up on training somewhat easier as I already know the jutsus that require that ability. 

"Let's go home, that's enough for now. Once we have breakfast and get dressed for the ceremony we'll go to Tsunadae's office." I say turning in the direction of the manor. 

"Hai." she nods then follows after me as I start walking. Should I ask Hyuga to put up her hood? I mean now that it's later the streets are crowded. Someone might recognize the Byukagun princess. Actually probably not, and if they do it's fine their suspicions will be confirmed later today anyway. 

Once we get back to my place, Hinata goes to the kitchen and starts cooking. Since when does she know how to cook? I just stand there, but she looks like she doesn't need any help, so I might as well go get ready. I go shower, and let out a long sigh as the warm water hits my back. There's almost nothing a warm shower can't fix. 

A few minutes later, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. Pulling a hand through my slick, wet hair I take a glance in the mirror and almost jump back at the dark circles under my eyes. It's getting worse. Closing my eyes I grunt as I try to probe at the dark mass in me with my chakra, almost immediately I gasp and throw my hands on the counter. Damn it hurts. I don't know what's happening but ever since the last battle at the end of the war, something's been wrong.  I've been losing sleep, getting nightmares, and losing focus, which isn't ideal or normal for me. Plus it feels like there's something intruding in me, something bad and dark. Which probably isn't that good. Oh well, I should probably get ready. 

Walking out of the bathroom attached to my room I head to the closet but snap around as the door creaks open. 

"G-gomenasai Sasuke-san!" the Hyuga stands there with one of her hands on her bright red face as I immediately turn red. My hand flies to my towel and I make sure it's secure.

"I-it's fine." I manage, since when do I stutter? She quickly slams her mouth shut and walks out, slowly closing the door behind her. As soon as I hear the door shut I flop down on the bed. Hinata's already reduced me to stuttering, what's happening to me? This is strange, even that one time Sakura walked into the men's bathhouse that one time I didn't stutter. Though she obviously did that on purpose, no doubt Sakura was probably just waiting outside the door. Wanting to scream in frustration I grab a dark blue shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, and throw it on, then slide on a pair of black pants. Coming downstairs to the kitchen, Hinata's already gone, probably showering in her own room. Walking into the kitchen I grab two tomatoes before sitting down at the table. Picking up one of the rice balls Hinata made I almost moan as I take a bite. It's amazing, almost as good as mom's cooking. Might as well grab a few more. Hinata comes down, and I stand up then we walk outside together, preparing to introduce Hinata Hyuga to the entire of Konohagakure.


Hey guys! I'm prob gonna change the title, because it doesn't match and yea. That's all for now! 

-Ari out 

together?alwaysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora