Scars and Dark Corridors

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Estella stepped into Umbridge's office with her nose wrinkled. It was unrecognizable from Lupin's tidy mess third year. Now the walls were painted a repulsive pink and plates hung on the walls, adorned with meowing kittens.

"Do you like my decorating Blackwood?" Umbridge simpered from her desk.

"It's.. lovely," Estella lied, remembering her promise to Snape to stay quiet.

"Why thank you," Umbridge looked surprised before she gave a little smirk. "I see time has softened you a bit, not as irrational now, are we Penny?"

"I'm afraid so Professor," Estella grinned, wanting nothing more than to rip the bow out of Umbridge's hair, which was hanging like a fly.

"Well today you will be doing lines," Umbridge gestured toward a parchment and Estella's eyes widened. She recognized the dark quill lying innocently beside it.

"Ah," Umbridge smirked. "I thought you might recognize this little object," she picked up the quill before handing it to Estella. "It's a favorite."

Favorite torture device Estella thought grimly, settling into her seat, the wood digging into her back.

"I would like you to write.." Umbridge paused, baring her teeth in a smile. "I must not be a traitor."

Estella grimaced when she set the quill to the parchment and felt the back of her hand prick as she wrote the first line. This was going to be a long night.

A few days later Estella sat watching the Quidditch

tryouts. She had desperately wanted to be on the team, but knew she wouldn't have had the time. Instinctively, the girl flexed her hand, remembering the scarlet words that now marred her skin. Her last detention with Umbridge was tonight and she was eager to get it over with.

"What is it?"

Estella looked over to see Tracy watching her move her hand. "Oh nothing," Estella grinned as she pretended to focus on the field. "Just a cramp."

Tracy narrowed her eyes. "Don't lie to me Penny. Give me your hand."

"No, I'm fine!" Estella hid it behind her back as Tracy lunged forward.

"What's going on?" Blaise appeared behind them, looking amused. "Cat fight again?"

"No," Tracy rolled her eyes with annoyance. "There's something wrong with Penny's hand and she won't let me see."

"I told you I'm fine.." Estella's words were cut off as Blaise grabbed her arm. She tried to struggle, but the boy had her in a tight hold.

"Merlin's beard," Blaise's amused expression disappeared. "Who did this to you Penny?"

"Let me see!" Tracy demanded and her eyes fell on the words.

I must not be a traitor were etched scarlet against her pale skin and Estella winced.

"It was the toad wasn't?" Tracy didn't wait for an answer as she sprang up. "You need to tell someone."

"No, come on Trace," Estella pulled on her robes. "It's not going to do any good. She's the Ministry remember?"

Blaise looked at her hand darkly as he adjusted his tie. "She's gonna get what's coming for her."

Estella walked back down the dark corridor with a sigh, holding her throbbing hand. It was the last of her detentions and now she was finally done. The girl looked down bitterly. She didn't think the words were ever going to fade.


Estella spun around to see Harry Potter standing in the the shadows, a worried expression on his face. "Harry?"

"Lumos," The boy muttered, raising his wand and producing a dim light. "Show me your hand," he looked stern as he reached out.

"Erm I'm fine Harry," Estella pulled back and began backing away. "Really."

Harry rooked a step forward, his eyes gleaming angrily. "You had detention with Umbridge didn't you?"

"Ummm.. yes?" Estella backed away further, wanting to avoid the interrogation. "But that was the last one, I'm fine." She narrowed her eyes. "How is your hand?"

Harry shook his head. "Better. Hermione used a Murtlap essence which made it heal quicker. Now," he stepped forward firmly, closing the gap between him and Estella. "Show me your hand Penny."

Estella bit her lip and sighed, he wasn't going to let it go. "It's fine really," she held up her hand gingerly.

Harry inhaled sharply as light shown on the cuts, illuminating the writing. Traitor shone darkly as a drop of blood coursed down Estella's hand. "I'm going to kill her," Harry seethed, his eyes hard.

"Harry," Estella smiled teasingly. "You aren't really the killing type."

"You shouldn't have said anything," Harry reprimanded bitterly and Estella recoiled.

"Excuse me?" She crossed her arms over her chest sourly. "I defended you."

"Yeah but look where it got you," Harry gestured toward her hand."Nothing good ever comes to those who help me." He sighed and motioned her to follow him. "I have some Murtlap essence left up in tower."

Estella smiled softly and shook her head. "I'm alright Harry, it's okay."

Harry shook his head, gritting his teeth. "I still can't believe you would do that."

Estella took a step closer and looked up at him seriously. "It was worth it."

There was a pause as their breath mingled together in the darkness and Estella looked up into Harry's brilliant gaze. The two moved closer and suddenly they were kissing.

Estella marveled at the match that seemed to light in her stomach, filling her whole body with a warm glow. It was soft at first, but their lips moved a bit faster and harder until they broke apart and Estella was left breathless in the dark.

Harry was a faint pink but he smiled crookedly at her, his eyes wide. Estella beamed and nodded at him.

"I think that was better than any Murtlap Essence."

Harry nodded, grinning slightly. "Erm yeah. Definitely."

Estella laughed softly and squeezed his hand. "Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Penny."

As Estella turned to go, she felt Harry's eyes on her as she left the corridor. As soon as she was out of sight, she sprinted to the dungeons and flopped on her bed with a huge grin.

"Was detention really that good?" Tracy looked at her friend suspiciously with raised eyebrows. "If I recall you've literally been cutting your hand open."

"Erm yeah," Estella stretched out with a sigh. "It was great."

Tracy stood over her friend's bed with her arms crossed, freezing her with a glare. "Spill. Now."

Estella bit her lip to keep from smiling and fiddled with her sheets. "Well Harry was waiting for me afterward and.."

"You didn't." Tracy's eyes widened. "Did he kiss you?"

Estella looked down with a smile. It began to fade however as she looked up at Tracy's stoic expression. "What?" She retorted defensively.

"Oh Penny," Tracy shook her head sadly. "You do realize you can't get involved with him."

"I can keep it a secret," Estella defended, glaring at her friend. "No one will know."

"Someone will eventually," Tracy sighed and sat on her friend's bed. "You're on different sides Pen, whether you like it or not."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now