A Dark Return

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Where is he?" Estella bit her lip worriedly as she and Hermione scanned the Great Hall. She glanced over atRon. The ginger was happily stuffing his face with mashed potatoes and she felt a flash of annoyance. Waving her hand, the plate flew up and covered Ron's face in gravy. He swore loudly, but Estella felt a little better.

"Bloody hell Penny.. what in Merlin's beard.."

"There he is!" Hermione sighed with relief as Harry walked in the hall. Estella frowned at his face, which was covered in blood.

"What happened?" she hissed, raising her wand and vanishing the mess.

"Malfoy," Harry muttered darkly, rubbing his nose. "Thanks Pen."

"Pen?" Ginny looked up and Estella could detect a faint glimmer of jealousy in her eyes. "When did this happen?"

"What?" Harry spluttered.

Estella sighed and chose to ignore the group as her thoughts raced. Harry suspected Draco was a Death Eater. She had tried to persuade him otherwise on the train, but obviously he wasn't convinced. If he found out Draco's quest it could go very badly..


"Professor," Estella began but was stopped as Dumbledore raised a hand.

"I assume you have many questions Miss Lestrange," Estella winced at the name, still growing accustomed to it. "In order to make the most of our time I will tell you what you should know and you may save any remaining questions until the end."

Estella met his twinkling gaze and nodded.

"Yes I know that Draco has been ordered to kill me by Lord Voldemort, however, I am already dying and when the time comes I have asked Severus to carry out the deed," the Headmaster finished mildly, as if stating the weather.

Estella fell out of her chair. "What?!"

"I thought you might react this way," Dumbledore replied calmly, waving a hand and returning Estella to her seat. "You see I was curious and tried on a ring that was cursed." Estella noticed his hand was now black. "Severus was able to stop the poison, but only for so long."

Estella narrowed her eyes. "Whose ring was it?"

Dumbledore's gaze darkened momentarily. "That, I believe, is not necessary for the moment."

Estella felt the rage that was becoming all too familiar bubble up in her chest. "Not necessary?" her voice was deathly calm. "I have a right to know."

"Now Estella," Dumbledore looked at her over his spectacles. "I have told you more than most, there are some things you should not yet know."

"Oh right." Estella hissed, flinging her wand out to her side, causing a bookshelf to come crashing down, but she paid no attention. "You do realize there's no prophecy about you? That Harry is the Chosen One and that I am the one who has to make some sacrifice?" The stones of the tower began to rattle but she paid no notice. "Meanwhile you're prancing around with valuable information acting like we're some sort of PAWNS to be used!" Estella felt her eyes burn and suddenly she got a glimpse of her reflection in a glass cabinet.

Her disguise had fallen away and she looked exactly like Bellatrix had that night, her hair frizzy and sticking out at all ends and an unpleasant snarl twisting her face. But it was her eyes that scared her the most. They were a brilliant scarlet and filled with so much hatred Estella felt it to her core. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead, blinking until the red faded. After a moment she looked back into Dumbledore's eyes.

The man watched her carefully and to her surprise, Estella saw a faint shadow of worry pass through his eyes. But as soon as it was there, it was gone.

"Voldemort's power is growing stronger in you," Dumbledore placed his hands together. "Even stronger than I had guessed at this point."

Estella sighed, there was no point in staying angry as Dumbledore would tell her nothing. "What does that mean?"

"It means you must be careful," Dumbledore looked at her solemnly. "As the prophecy warns, you can only aid the Wizarding World if you choose the right side. And this power will draw you ever darker."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz