Wrath of Umbridge

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Estella sat the next day in Defense Against the Dark Arts the next day, rubbing her eyes. It had been a long night and while Potions hadn't been horrible, she was not in the mood to spend an hour with whom Ron referred to as "the pink toad."

"Hmm. Hmm. Class," Umbridge began, beaming at them all. "Good afternoon."

The class gazed at her blankly, quills and books in hand.

"Now, now." Umbridge reprimanded. "When I say good afternoon, it is polite to say it back. Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon Professor Umbridge," the students chorused dully, and a few sniggers could be heard.

Umbridge straightened her shoulders roughly. "Well we will have to work on that, won't we?" She began to walk down the aisle. "Now put your wands away, you won't be needing them, and turn your textbooks to chapter four."

There was a rustling in the classroom as the students pulled out their books. Estella flopped hers on her desk with no intention of opening it. She had already read the rubbish and did not intend on suffering again. A quick glance over at Hermione made her smirk. Her friend hadn't even bothered to take her textbook out.

"Miss Granger," Umbridge stalked over. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, professor," Hermione looked up innocently. "You see I've already read that chapter."

"Well then read the next one," Umbridge tutted, turning away.

"But I've read the whole book." Hermione paused examining a passage. "And I wanted your interpretation on something."

Umbridge stiffened and Estella stifled a smile as she saw her irritation growing.

"And what is that Miss Granger?"

"There's nothing in here on defensive spells."

The pink clad witch turned slowly. "Well I can assure you dear," Umbridge pressed with a forceful smile. "You won't be needing them."

"What about.."

"You will raise hands in my classroom Granger!" Umbridge snapped and Hermione stuck her hand in the air. "Yes?" she gritted.

"What about our OWLs professor? Surely the Ministry wants us to pass."

"I can assure you," Umbridge placed a stubby hand on her desk, her fingers tapping. "You will learn enough in theory to pass your exams."

"And how is that supposed to help us for the real world?" Harry spoke up for the first time and Estella grimaced as she saw his anger boiling.

"Hand, Potter." Umbridge snapped. "And you won't be needing it in the real world. Whatever would you need to defend yourself from?"

"Hmm let's see," Harry paused sarcastically, his green eyes hot. "Death Eaters? Or how about Lord Voldemort?"

The effect was instantaneous. Draco and Tracy grew deathly pale while Ron gave a little yelp. Seamus fell out of his seat and Estella clenched her fingers as she gave Harry a warning look. He was going to get in trouble.

"I see." Umbridge hissed, all trace of her sweetness gone. "Let me tell you Mr. Potter. I must break it to you: He Who Must Not Be Named is gone. He has not returned."

Estella winced as Harry stood, knocking the book and quill from his desk.

"I SAW him!" The boy fumed, clenching his fists. "I fought him. What about Cedric?"

"That," Umbridge simpered, glaring at the boy. "Was a tragic accident."

"You're a LIAR!" Harry yelled, his face scarlet. "Cedric was murdered."

Umbridge has gone rather pale and Estella could see the hate in her beady eyes. "Detention Potter. Go see your Head of House."

"He's right," Estella blurted and every face turned her direction, Tracy shook her head, begging her to stay quiet. Instead, Estella turned and raised an eyebrow. "I believe him. And I think defensive spells are necessary anyways, there is much danger we needed to be protected from."

Umbridge eyed her in surprise. "I would advise you to quiet that tongue of yours Blackwood. It shouldn't be too hard, knowing your family."

Estella was reaching the boiling point but held her tongue. Instead she simply smiled and nodded. "My apologies Professor, I simply didn't realize the ignorance of the Ministry."

The room went silent as Umbridge towered above her, seething. "Go see Professor Snape. NOW."

Estella nodded and stuffed her books in her bag, turning in her chair. "Have a wonderful afternoon Professor," she grinned before striding out of the silent classroom.

"Blackwood," Snape snarled, looking at her over his desk. "You interrupted MY class because Umbridge says you were disrespecting her and the Ministry as well as spreading lies." The pale man glared at her over his hooked nose. "Care to explain?"

"Well sir," Estella began "I just said I agreed with Harry that the Dark Lord is back and that the Ministry was ignorant. As both things are true, I don't see the disrespect." She tilted her head innocently as the Potions master's nose flared.

"Let me ask you something Blackwood." Snape sneered, leaning forward and making Estella rather uncomfortable. "Do you think the Dark Lord would be PLEASED at you spreading his existence like that? How do you think he feels about your family once he knows the daughter they have? Furthermore.." Snape paused. "I thought there was enough light in that head of yours to at least realize that making an enemy of the Ministry isn't wise."

Estella stiffened and stood in the dark office, dim light gleaming on her face. "The Dark Lord knows what side my family is on and I never said I wasn't loyal to him." She saw Snape's eyes gleam with faint surprise as she continued. "And if the Ministry is going to ignore all the facts around them, then they are weak and will fall." She nodded. "I will contain my outbursts from now on though, I understand."

"Doubtful," Snape drawled, his eyes glittering. "I will simply alert Umbridge of your unstable environment and your puppy love for Potter, the hero."

Estella's mouth dropped open in horror and Snape smirked. "Consider it a thank you for stunning me in third year. Now," his gaze darkened, "get out of my office."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang