Dumbledore's Last Wishes

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Estella sighed, leaning her head against her bed frame, rubbing her eyes.

It had been a long month, with her only communication being with Snape, Draco, Amelie, and, unfortunately, Bellatrix. Voldemort had been growing ever more excited, he seemed to only be growing in his thirst for power and had already told his plans to Snape to set him up as Headmaster.

This was probably a good thing, Estella reflected, absently twisting her dark hair. The fact that Snape was the most gentle of the Death Eaters was a frightening thought. Stretching, she stood and made her way to the mirror.

A figure not unlike her mother stared back at her. She seemed to have finally stopped getting taller, but her figure filled out the black leather dress she wore. Estella normally was careful to keep her true appearance hidden, as it was too dangerous to risk, but all the Death Eaters were gone today, torturing various Muggle neighborhoods. Voldemort had seemed to lose interest in her and Draco, the wizard had simply kept them encaged in Malfoy Manor, forbidding them to leave for any reason.

She picked up a snow globe from where she had hidden it under her bed. Pictures of two boys and two girls grinned back at her, grinning mischievously. Estella sighed and shoved the globe back in its place. The memories of her friends were too painful.

A knock roused her from her somber mood and she sat up, waving her wand and returning to the short and red features of Penny Blackwood. "Yes?"

Severus Snape strode in, looking frustrated. His lip curled as he saw Estella's messy bed. "Surely you have something to busy yourself with? Besides lying around and moping."

Estella stood, her eyes blazing. "I'd give anything to be out there if I got the chance. You were the one who insisted I stay behind!"

Snape snarled, his dark eyes narrowing. "Do you honestly think you could kill someone Lestrange?" He was the only one who knew her true identity, besides Amelie and Bellatrix. "Because the situation would present itself and you undoubtedly do not have the stomach."

Estella lashed her wand, flinging a set of drawers to the side. "Well forgive me for actually still trying to do the right thing."

"The words of a child!" Snape snapped. "Foolish girl, you can't have everything."

The bedroom began to shake and Estella's eyes grew scarlet. "YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT?" The books on her shelves began to swirl dangerously.

"Lestrange. ENOUGH!" Snape snapped. His eyes were wide.

Estella looked down and saw flames creeping up her hands. With a gasp, she shook them and the flames disappeared. Blisters remained in their place, angry and red.

"You're losing more control," Snape grabbed her wrist and waved his wand over her hands. "I can't fix these by spell."

Estella tore her hands away, her breath uneven. "It's fine. Maybe it will help me focus."

It was Snape's turn to be furious and he slammed her door before facing her. "Snap out of it. You're acting like a spoiled child. You're not the only one who has sacrificed things for what they love."

Estella's eyes widened. Was Snape hinting at his love for Lily Potter? But before she could question him further, the man continued.

"Now I am only here to simply give you what Dumbledore left in his will."

Estella felt her stomach drop. "He left me something?"

"He left Granger a story book, Weasley a Deluminator, and Potter the Sword of Gryffindor and a snitch. And you," Snape whisked an envelope out of his pocket. "He left this."

Estella frowned as she shakily accepted the letter. "Those are rather random objects. Do they have to do with hunting the Horcruxes?"

"I don't pretend to know what the old fool was planning," Snape snapped irritably as he left the room. "I am simply his errand-runner even in his death."

Estella sighed and shut the door, sitting on the messy bed. Flicking her wand, she opened the envelope slowly and felt a stab of sadness at the familiar loopy handwriting.

Dearest Estella,

I hope this letter finds you well, though to my sadness I highly doubt that is so. I apologize for leading you through many uncertainties, but I feared had you known everything you may not have chosen the path you did. Call me an old fool but I care about your future very much.

You see Estella, you already know that Lord Voldemort has placed a part of his power inside you. But I'm sorry to say that the Dark Lord is as smart as he is evil and the curse he used to transfer his power also corrupts it's inhabitants. As your power and strength grows, so does the evil of Tom Riddle inside you. You are angry at me I imagine right now, but I knew you couldn't bear this news before along with everything else.

You see Estella, you do have a choice. The prophecy is not wrong and if you help vanquish the Dark Lord he will be defeated. But it also requires a sacrifice. I don't know how much it has been on your thoughts but as you are a worrier like I, I imagine it has never been far off.

I know what I ask is not easy. But the easy thing and right thing do not often align. I only ask one thing, Estella. That you do not let this evil corrupt you. For it is Voldemort's greatest dream to have someone of equal power beside him, but also, just as important, someone he can control. This must not happen. Remember all the love you have seen and hold it close.

My Best Wishes,

Albus Dumbledore

Also, you might wonder why you were not given any artifacts of mine like Harry and the others. It is because I know you have all you need already inside you. You must act on it.

Estella sat in shock, rereading the letter over and over, desperately hoping it wasn't true. She stared numbly at the paper as a stone dropped in her stomach. She closed her eyes, leaning back against her covers, feeling the anger that was growing ever more familiar rise up inside her. Her greatest enemy was herself.

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