the world seemed so much prettier when you knew you were destined to die

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This is a Drabble of a one shot I was going to write. I ended up scrapping it but I'm pretty proud of how this part turned out! Feedback plz!

Is a life without death, really a life?

  The soft rain pelted down onto your face as you stared into the vast, grey sky. The clouds had never looked so beautiful; so white and fluffy looking. The noise around you was so loud and exciting and new, it was surreal. You heard so many new sounds. So many new noises. You heard cars, you heard people talking, you heard dogs, and you heard rain. Drizzle falling to the ground with small pitter-patters, pitter-patters, pitter-patters of rain showers falling onto your smile, and your skin, and your new body. Your smile only widened, and widened, and widened. You stare up at the dark sky with so much infatuation and joy, the strangers passing by could only watch with confusion and hurry away.

The rain made you feel so free. The air, flowing through your lungs, through your new body. You brought your arms out, spread like a bird. A free bird, soaring through the sky. You laughed as tears streamed down your face. You fingers were spread, tiny droplets of water dropping into your palms. You brought your hands to cover your arms, encasing yourself in a warm hug. Your smile didn't once falter at the large, open sky.

You felt so free. So independent. So in control.

You were free

-- free from the clutches of immortality.

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