𓂀 Dating Dabi 𓂀

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Dabi is clearly the 'bad boy' type.

He fits into the category perfectly. I mean-

Sad backstory, emotional and physical scarring, "piercings," wears a long, raggy trench coat, and he just gives off 'emo' vibes. He looks like the type to whisk you away on his motorcycle, with a lit cigar in his mouth. Like, OK, JD. Calm down.

But I get the feeling that deep down, he's a softie. The man whom he despises the most is his father, Enji Todoroki, and he wants to be the complete opposite of him. He doesn't want to hurt you.

Much like the rest of his siblings, he had been touch-starved. Never hugged, never held, he's been seriously missing out. His family never comforted him whilst he lived with them, and it's not like he wanted Shigaraki's crusty hands on him. One would assume from his threatening-looks, he'd never be one for  cuddling. However, despite popular opinion, I believe that Dabi loves to cuddle. He could spend hours holding you, and he'd feel like bare seconds were passing.

He doesn't want to let his guard down. As much as he adores you, he still has a sense of insecurity. Sometimes, he feels like he's the most disgusting creature on the planet. Despite his cocky spirit, he's still human. He hates how he looks and he thinks you deserve better. One time, he almost broke up with you because he thought he didn't deserve you. It's also one of the reasons he isn't completely for PDA. The most he'll do is sit next to you when other's are present. If the two are you are outside and he's in a disguise, he may attempt to hold hands with you. However, that's only if his entire face is covered. When you get home from whatever you were doing, he'd feel so drained that he'd drag you to the bed.. and cuddle with you all night long.

The way he cuddles you is like-- Backwards spooning? You're face will always be buried in his hair if you're tall, his neck if you're average, or his chest if you're smaller. There are no others. He has to be touching you or he won't be at peace. His arms are almost always wrapped around your shoulder or arms, and he HAS to have his face near your head. If it's not, he'll feel like you're not even with him. He likes to just breathe you in and remember that you're real and that you love him.

It's often that he forgets how lucky he got. Sometimes he's having such a shitty day, and all he has to do to calm down is open his phone and see you on his lock screen. He'll completely feel better. His mind will stop running, and begin to tell himself that he's lucky to have Y/n.

He might just randomly look at you, and think-

"Man, I don't deserve you."

And he'll carry on with his day.

Trench coat.

Of course he'll let you wear it! Just make sure that no one in the league sees, or Dabi may do some bad things to whoever saw just to make sure they don't tell anyone. But if he's locked the doors and dimmed the lights, you two can cuddle in his coat for however long you like. The inside of the coat is a warm and soft material, but the outside is shaggy and cut. This is relative to Dabi, because with others, he's a snarky Chad who can bang yo chick. However, when it's just you and him, he's softer and more mellow. But he still is a snarky little a-hole

I don't think he would introduce you to the league if you weren't apart of it. He'd mostly just keep you to himself, if you were an ordinary citizen. However, if you were actually in the league, he'd try not to make a big deal about dating you. You and Toga would probably be friends, having fun annoying your boyfriend.

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

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