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words count: 1284

Important details about the story:

A/N: Sorry guys, but I forgot to say some more things about you.

1) You also like painting and drawing.

2)When you were younger, you had illusions (things that aren't real and you're the only one that can see them and they're just in your imagination), but you didn't have one from when you were 9 years old (I repeat, you are 15).

3) Your parents have a popular juice company and they're usually out of the town.

4) You also have an old sister named Ava, she's 18, but she isn't nice and you also have a young sister named Nancy, she's 4 and she's really cute, you usually take care of her because Ava doesn't care about you or Nancy.

And you will end up with Noah, don't worry, but you will take it easily, so it might takes so more chapters. 

Your pov:

We just arrived home. I am kinda scared because I don't think I am good enough to act in front of NOAH SCHNAPP, that's crazy! But if he will say something like "I'm sorry, but you don't have talent!" or "Meeeeh, I think you should find something else, for sure not acting!" and he if he will say that...that's it! I really suck at acting!

Y/N: Let's go in my room.

Noah: Sure!

We are on the stairs, going to my room, but I hear someone crying. Oh no! OH NO! WHY NOW?! I think is Nancy, probably Ava left her alone at home. I have to go and check on her. I'm going to Nancy's room, Noah is following me confused.

Noah: Uh, bu-

Y/N: Is Nancy's room, she's my little sister and I think she's crying because Ava, my older sister, isn't at home and yeah...

Noah: Oh okay.

I quickly open the door, I was right, she's crying and Ava isn't at home... I go to Nancy and take her in my arm and rub her back to make her stop crying. 

Y/N: Shhh, Nance, I'm here! Come on sunshine, calm down! *I kiss her on the forehead, she seems to have stopped of crying*

Nancy: Hihihih, look! There's a banana man!

Y/N: Uh! Where? *I said as looking everywhere confused*

Nancy: Hahahaha! I fooled you! *she starts laughing hard*

Y/N: Oh no! *she starts laughing even harder*

Oh god! I completely forgot that Noah is here! I look at him, he's smiling at me and Nancy, so I smile back at him. I get up from the floor, Nancy gets up also and go to Noah. She is looking up at him and Noah is looking down at her. Nancy have a serious face. She slams on the floor acting like she's dead. Me and Noah are laughing. 

Noah: Omg, omg, omg! Somebody to call an ambulance, she's on the way to DIE! *he sais as acting panicked, he really knows how to behave with a little kid, I think they to will be really good friends*

Nancy:I'm alive still!

Noah: *he sighs in relief* Thank god!

Nancy: Heheheheh! But, who are you?

Noah: Well, I'm Noah, Y/N's friend, and you are?

Nancy: Nancy! But you can call me Nance!

Noah: Nice to meet you, Nance!

Nancy: Hihihihhihih!

Y/N: Nancy, do you wanna watch cartoons?


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