The world might be ruined, yet they're arm wrestling

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As soon as pale guy had counted down, the two girls started the wrestling. It only took the blond girl ten seconds before she won over the redhead. Got to say, did not fully see that coming.

"What?! How did ye win. You're a stick." the loser exclaimed and the blond girl shrugged before saying;

"Doesn't matter, can we go save the world now?" I hummed as an answer and we all started going towards the exit. I don't know if I should even call it an exit, it was an window with several meters going down from there. I jumped out and Toothless caught me with ease. The pale guy jumped out but didn't fall, as if he was flying. But that is impossible, right? Right?! The blond threw her hair out so that it created a small opening for redhead to stand in. It took her a while to assure everyone that it was an good idea, but redhead finally listened.

"If you drop me, yer dead." she muttered to the blond and I smiled.

"I won't drop you." Blondie said while getting the other girl down to the ground.

"Hey pale dude, do you know why Blondie is so... odd?" I asked and he nodded while the redhead walked over to us.

"She has only met one other human before this, her mom." he said and my jaw dropped, she had even less friends then I used to have, that should say a lot.

"Hello? What are you guys talking about?" Blondie asked, gods she had gotten down fast.

"Nothing! Uh... I mean nothing. Anyways... what's is your name?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Rapunzel, yours?"

"Hiccup." I said and the redhead laughed behind me. I gave her a glare and she tries not to show the amusement she feels. "What is your name, red?" I ask and her smile turns into a frown.

"Never call me red again. My name is Merida of Dunbroch. My fathers is king Fergus and my mother is queen Elinor. Is your family of any importance?" she asks and I chuckle, she had no idea. Besides, it is not a title that truly matters.

"My father is Stoik the Vast and he is the chief of our tribe. My mother was killed by a dragon when I was a baby." I said and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yet you chose to tame a dragon." she says and I was about to argue, tell her about how nice Toothless is, but pale boy got to it first.

"You're one to talk. A bear ate you fathers leg and yet, you turned your mother into one." he says and my jaw dropped again, she did what?! Gods, how is she judging me here? I looked at Rapunzel, who looked just as confused as me. The anger between the other two was so strong that it could be touched.

"That was not intentional." she snarled and he just chuckles.

"That does not matter, you still did it. Which almost made your father kill your mother, if he had been successful? It would have destroyed him. You could have destroyed your fam..."

"Quiet! Both of you. If this is going to work, we will have to work together and you both know that I am right." Rapunzel yelled and they both looked down with an embarrassed blush on their cheeks.

"Sorry Punzie." pale guy says and she sighs.

"It is fine Jack. Just, lets get going."

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