This place is crazy

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Special thanks to @MagicalReads for being the first to ever comment and the first to ever vote on any of my stories. I really appreciate it and they generally warm my heart!

It was not until we reached a small, black house in the middle of the forest that I realized that sneaking around would be hard. Mostly because of the huge dragon right behind me, I tried to tell him off, but he had never been big on listening. At first, it had been fine. But now, now he smashed his tail into the house on accident. It made the house shake, but more importantly, it let a loud slam echo through the forest.

"Can you teach your dragon some manners?" Merida muttered, it being the first thing she said since we had the talk about her sexuality, with we I mean me.

"It doesn't work like that, he is not a dog." I grumbled back and she sighed.

"Fine, we will just have to be quick. In and out, hopefully not raising suspicion." she said and I nodded quickly before opening the door. Inside, the floor was covered in the nightmare sand Jack had told us about, meaning that we did not want to inhale it. Which would be hard since some of it was floating in the air. Luckily, on a hook that was placed on the inside of the door hung a cloth, looking like it is made to wear over the mouth.

"You should take it, you can wear it over your mouth to stop yourself from inhaling ant sand." I offered and she scoffed.

"That won't be necessary." she said. I was about to ask her if she was out of her mind, when she crouched down and ripped of a strip of her dress. She brought the strip with her as she stood up, tying it around her face.

"That works to." I mumbled before taking the original mask and putting it on. "Lets go." I said, my voice slightly muffled from the fabric covering mouth. Instead of answering, she walked straight past me into the house. She took about three steps forward before stopping and pointing at the table. I look at the table were she was pointing, seeing nothing but two empty teacups.

"You know what this means?" she asked and I shrugged.

"That he likes tea?" I asked and she sighed while pushing me on the shoulder. I think it was meant to be light, but she was kind of strong, which made me fear Rapunzel.

"No you dobber. There are two cups, only one boogie man. He had company, someone might be on his side." she said and I felt myself panic. He was supposed to be like really strong alone, but if he had help, then... then we were as good as dead.

"That cannot be good." I breathed out and she sighed.

"Obviously. Lets just get this done so that we can go back to the others." she said and I nodded quickly. This place is crazy, everything is dark. The only furniture were two chairs, a table and two ovens. Something about it all just freaked me out.

"Yes, lets."


It took us about five minutes to find the other two, who were talking to a man who fit Jack's description quite well. They seemed to be talking about their fears (he was the boogie man so what else could be expected?). Merida was about to walk forward and reveal herself, but I stopped her by putting a hand on her arm.

"It seems like they are about to get him to talk, just wait a moment." I whispered and she glared at my hand, but ultimately nodded and I removed my hand.

"I'm not allowed to harm you physically. But mentally, that I can do. Nothing will stop me." I managed to overhear Sir Black say, making me thing three things. Number one; he was working for someone, why else would he not be allowed to do certain things? Number two; that person was probably the cause of the second tea cup. Number three; the second person had to have at least of heard of Rapunzel since they want her unharmed. That should make the list of possibilities short.

"Yeah, that answer does not lay well with me. But there is actually one thing we can do to stop you." she said, locking eyes with me. How did she even notice us? Not even the boogie man had!

"And what is that?"

"That they do not need to be here any longer." Merida said as she stepped forward before turning to Rapunzel and Jack. "We are done on our end, lets go." she continued and Rapunzel nodded with a relieved sigh.

"Who are they? Is that a dragon? What are they talking about?" Was all I could hear from Sir Black; some reasonable questions if I am being honest.

"Does not matter for you right now. I brought a gift for you Pitch, just an old friend saying hi." Jack said and Pitch opened his mouth to ask further, but Jack stopped him by throwing some yellow dust at him. He passed out at the spot and the rest of us turned to Jack. "I'll catch you up later."

I just have a Corona comment about this part; if people born over three hundred years ago understood the importance of wearing a mask, so can you.

- A/N

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