There's a man in my closet

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My morning had started as every other morning for the past seventeen years, eleven months and twenty-nine days. But it changed when my mother left in a rush to meet some old friend. I didn't even question it, she had never left me to be with a friend before so it is obviously important. I picked up my broom to start sweeping when I heard a sound coming from the shutters around the exit. I dropped the broom and ran over to the kitchen to grab a weapon. With a frying pan in my hand, I hurried over to the wall next to the window. Ready if someone were to come. The shutters opened roughly with a cold wind following it.

"Rap..." a voice called out as a body climbed through the opening. Before they could even finish saying my name, I hit them with the frying pan and they fell forward. On the floor inside the tower, a pale man with white hair laid and I yelped. My first instinct was to run and hide, but i had the advantage here so that would be idiotic. With a small sigh, I sat down next to him with the frying pan ready. I poked him in the side to see if he was awake, he wasn't. I poked him again, this time by the mouth to reveal his teeth. They were weird, but not the type of weird that I had expected. His were bright like snow, but they weren't pointy like mother said they would be.

"Who are you." I mumbled to myself with a sigh before standing up. I need to do something, I can't just leave him here to wake up and attack.


About four hours after the guy had entered, I finally got the chance to interrogate him. He was tied to the green chair while I was hiding on one of the beams in the roof. He opened his eyes quickly with a gasp before groaning loudly.

"What the f...? Hello?! Rapunzel?" he yelled and I flinched. How did he know my name?

"I'm not scared of you... I'm not." I stammered from the beam and he searched for me with his eyes. It wasn't very hard either, he just had to follow the hair.

"Why would you be scared?" he muttered and I jumped down onto the ground. Remaining in the shadows though. My eyes inspected him again, now that he was awake there was way more to see. His eyes were an really light blue and a small frown rested between his eyebrows. His clothing was weird, did people usually wear that? And why was he so cold?

"Who are you and how did you find me?" I said while slowly stepping out of the shadows and into the light.

"Why don't you let me go, then I will answer any question you have." he said and I raised the frying pan against his chin, forcing him to look me in the eyes.

"I'm not an idiot. Answer my questions, then maybe, I will let you go." I said and he sighed deeply as I removed the frying pan. He looked around himself an look of fear replaced the frown.

"Shit, shit, shit! Where is my staff?" he got out and I stared at him in chock. He looked at me for a while before gasping loudly. "Oh shit sorry. Wait... sorry for the bad language, but where is my staff?" he asked and I blinked a few times before answering.

"Uh... apology accepted? As for the staff, you'll get it when you answer my questions. Now, who are you and how did you find me?" he glared at me for a while, trying to make me change my statement. When it didn't work, he exhaled slowly.

"My name is Jack Frost and I found you with the help of North and Toothiana." He said and I looked at him quickly before hurrying over to the bookcase. With the frying pan in one hand and my blue book in the other I walked back over. I showed him the front of the book so that he could see the name. 'Jack Frost'.

"So, this is you then?" I asked and he nodded quickly. "Now, who are North and Toothiana?"

"You know them by their more used names. The tooth fairy and Santa Claus." he said and I stared at him.

"Never heard of them. Why did they send you here and what do they know about me?"

"They didn't send me. I'm here because the man in the moon told me to. All they really know about you is your name, Rapunzel." he said and I nodded slowly. Questions brew inside of me, but I kept a confident front. I narrowed the questions down to two instead of a million.

"I have two questions for you, Jack Frost. First, aren't you evil or something?" I asked and his eyes narrowed.

"What? Why would I be e... the book said so didn't it?" he asked and I nodded. "No, I'm not evil. A bit mischievous, but not evil I'm what they call a guardian. I help protect children from fear and keep their hope up. Which is why I'm here, the man in the moon wants you to help me."

"Before we go to that, my second question. What's wrong with you?"

"Excuse me?"

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