Sorry, what?

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(Merida's POV)

I turned my mother into a bear, my brothers transformed too, I fought a prince turned bear, I got teleported from my home to a tower by a speaking rodent, I met the boogie man and I was possessed by his sand. But seeing magical, glowing, healing hair was what chocked me the most. I could barely be considered conscious as she explained how her hair works, even though there were a lot of blanks. I barely remember how we found water for Rapunzel and Hiccup to clean off the blood from their respective hair and clothes.

We then found three little girls who were willing to braid all of Rapunzel's hair because it was honestly just in the way as we walked. We decided that it might be a good idea not to split up again, so as of now, the four of us were walking through the city.

"Is that what I think it is?" Hiccup asked, pointing at something and I turned to look. Right on a wall was the sign for the smith.

"About time, good job." Jack said, hurrying inside, which seems rather stupid. The boogie man has possessive sand, someone must own the smith and many other things could cause things to go wrong, just going in didn't seem like the smart move, so the rest of us stopped outside. "Hey guys, come look at this." Jack called. The three of us hesitated for a moment, before walking inside. Jack was standing in front of some mold of sorts, one I had never seen before.

"What are we looking at?" Hiccup asked.

"For us all to get to this country, we used globes, right?" Jack asked and we nodded, except for Rapunzel who had no clue what we were talking about. "It looks like Pitch has found a way to copy the invention." he continued and Rapunzel frowned.

"And what is that invention, exactly?" she asked and he gave her a grim look, which felt wrong to see on his usually humorful face.

"It's an invention that takes anyone anywhere. I don't think he can know about the time-traveling ones, but he can still get anywhere in the world in just seconds." he said and Hiccup groaned.

"Great, as if this quest didn't seem impossible enough as it is."


"Hey guys, I found something!" Rapunzel called. We had split up in the smith to look for any clues on what that Pitch guy's goal was, other than put the entire world into a mist of fear.

"Anything useful?" I asked as I made my way over, reaching her at the same time as Jack, Hiccup followed shortly.

"I think so, look." she mumbled, letting her frog off her shoulder so that she could lean forward without putting him in danger of falling. She pointed at a book that laid open on a small table, black sand splattered over it. "The sand flew everywhere when I opened it, but I managed to keep it from hitting me anywhere important. Now look at the page." she said and we all looked over her shoulders.

The page on the left was the bloodline of the royal family of Corona, though the newest name had been scratched out. On the right page, the royal bloodline of Arendelle was visible. Nothing looked weird, except that one of the two names lowest down was pressed inwards as if someone had slid a finger of the page with little care of the paper.

The name itself was Elsa, whoever that was.

"How do we know that's not from the smith?" Hiccup asked and she shrugged.

"We can't know, but I have a feeling about this." she explained and Jack hummed in agreement.

"I've heard of the name before, apparently the girl has powers similar to my own." he said and I frowned.

"People walk through her too?" I asked and his eyes widened as he turned to me.

"No... just, look here." he said, and raised his hand. Without any sign of effort, he made the spot we were standing by start snowing, indoors.

"Right, Jack Frost, winter powers." Hiccup mumbled and it dawned on me. It was easy to forget who he was when I hadn't actually seen him use those powers before.

"So, you think he wants to use," Rapunzel said, stopping to glance at the page. "Elsa, for his plan?" she asked and he nodded. "Which means he is going to Arendelle?" she continued and got another nod.

"Which means we are going as well."

I feel like Merida has pretty similar vibes as Flynn/Eugene, so she got to call Pascal a frog as well.

- A/N

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