Dragons... seriously?

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I stared at the large, black creature flying next to the window with my mouth wide open. It looked like a dragon, but they weren't supposed to exist. Sure, I have seen wisps, a witch two bears who were originally human. But a dragon still made me quite surprised, especially since it was only two or three meters away from me. The brown-haired lad turned around towards the window with a sigh.

"Toothless, I thought I told you to wait on the ground." he said and my jaw dropped even further down, making me wonder if it would fall off.

"You, a scrawny lad that looks like a ten year old. You have an dragon?!" I called out and the blond girl stared at me.

"That was a bit rude, don't you think?" she said and I scoffed loudly.

"You just threatened him with a frying pan. Yet yer calling me rude. I would watch it if I was you lass." I said and she rolled her eyes at me, making me angry. The audacity in this gal. The boys gave each other a look, trying to tell the other one to step in. But neither of them did anything, maybe they didn't dare.

"He broke into my home, what did he expect me to do?! All I'm saying is that intelligence and compassion matters way more then brute force." Blondie said and the scrawny boy hummed in agreement. The dead-looking guy just looked like he was enjoying this.

"Look guys. We all have a world to save so why don't we go outside and get started with this quest." mini said and I nodded slowly.

"Sure, but how in Odin's beard are we supposed to get down?" I asked and everyone else smiled, they already have that figured out.

"I can fly."

"I have a dragon, you can get a ride if you want." scrawny said and I shook my head quickly, no way I was climbing onto that creature. Would be like trying to ride a bear, not an good idea and you would die almost instantly.

"No thank you, but I choose life. Blondie, do you have a way down. A stair or something?" I asked and she scoffed.

"Rapunzel. And yes, I have a way down. Not a stair or anything like that. But my hair is both strong enough and long enough to use as a lift." she said and I chuckled, thinking that she was joking. She wasn't joking. But she was incredibly skinny, no way she would be able to handle all of that weight.

"I'm sorry, but this is one of the times where brute force is necessary. You just don't have that lass." I said and she sighed with an eyebrow raised. "Alright Blondie, prove that you're strong enough. Play a round of arm-wrestling with me. If you win, we go down. If you lose, I promise to try not to break any of those bones you have."

"Sure thing, red." She said before walking over to a table and the pale boy hurried after us.

"Shouldn't we hurry? The world is kind of at stake here." scrawny said as we sat down on opposite sides of the table. We ignored him while pale boy turned to him.

"This won't take long, aren't you interested in who will win?" he asked and the other boy shrugged before walking over to us.

"Ready to lose Blondie?" I asked and she smiled.

"In your sweetest dreams, red." she said while the pale boy smiled, he seemed to enjoy the game that was about to start. He seemed to like the fun.

"3, 2, 1 go!"

The Rise of the Brave Tangled DragonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz