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"Rapunzel?" the lady before us said and I took my time to inspect her. She looked nothing like her daughter with her pale skin, dark hair and cold eyes. If I am being honest, she kind of freaked me out.

"That's your mom?!" Jack exclaimed and everyone stared at him, he should not be screaming questions like that, it is rude.

"Yes, now quiet down." Rapunzel muttered before turning back to her mother. "Hello mother, how is your day going? Anything interesting happening?" she asked and her mother scoffed with her mouth still wide open with chock.

"Rapunzel, can we talk alone for a minute?"

"Um... mother. We are kind of on a tight schedule, maybe we can speak when this is all done." she started but she stopped when she saw the look of anger on her mothers face, as if she was not scary enough before.

"I think not. Lets talk, now." her mother said and Rapunzel froze before nodding slowly.

"O-okay. Okay mother." she said and the two of them walked away.

"Alright... is it just me or was she, was she kind of. Kind of creepy?" I asked and the others and they nodded slowly, probably having the same thought as I did. Rapunzel had lived alone with that woman her entire life.


"Hey Punzie! How did it go with your mom?" Jack asked as soon as she could be seen walking towards us. She looked kind of panicked, staring at the ground.

"Not great." She stopped to take a deep breath before looking up at us. "She wants me to go back to the tower immediately... she also told me that I do not have a say in this. She said that we are leaving in five minutes."

"Wait what?!"

"But that is not up for he to decide, you look like you are old enough to decide for yourself."

"There are literally millions of people on the line here, she should definitely let you go. The man in the moon thinks we need you to do this, he is usually right." me Merida and Jack said, in that order as well.

"Do you not think I know that? Guys? I think I know how important all of this is." she called out before taking a deep, calming breath. "Which is why I am going to sneak away from them." she continued and the Merida found her words first.

"Are you seriously going to cross that woman?"

"Yes, that is kind of the plan. But I have about five minutes to do so, so lets just get going."

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