Pitch came back

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I entered the room with a sigh. It had only been three months since we had defeated Pitch Black and North was already calling us all back with the northern light system. Sure, we had all buried our hatchets so to say. But being in a room with the rabbit for to long wouldn't end well.

"Why did you call us here?" Bunny muttered, already there. I walked in and a small coat of frost followed my steps. Sandy waved cheerfully while nobody else seemed to notice that I was here.

"I told you already. He is back, I can feel it in my belly!" North answered and Bunny scoffed.

"Oh come on Bunnymund, he was right the last time he felt it." Tooth said and North hummed in agreement. Sandy tried to sign for my arrival for the others but I waved for him to stop. It was always funnier watching them when they thought the "adults" were alone. Adults! As if I'm a child. I'm three-hundred-years old thank you very much.

"Yeah. But last time it took Pitch several hundred years, not three bloody months!" Bunny yelled and north sighed deeply as something on the ground piqued my interest. I crouched down with my stick in one hand and reached down with the other one.

"So?! Maybe he was quicker this time." North muttered as I picked up some dust from the floor.

"Oh for Pete's sake. Quicker? You can't seriously believe that..." Bunny answered, starting a bickering war. I opened my hand and was met by well, it wasn't dust. My skin was as pale as always, so the black dream-sand certainly stood out. I showed my hand to Sandy who instantly look panicked.

"Maybe if your nose wasn't stuffed with eggs you would see this!" North suddenly shouted and Bunny looked like he was about to start throwing punches.

"You're acting like an old married couple! Shut your mouths for once." I called out and they both turned to me with a surprised look on their faces. Bunnymund found his words first.

"Glad that you could join us, Frost." I sighed deeply at his reaction while the elves seemed happier than ever.

"I've been here for about two minutes, yet I have gotten more done than you." he looked like he was about to argue and I rolled my eyes before holding out my hand, showing the sand.

"Why didn't you just say so? See Bunnymund, I was right!" North exclaimed. The only response he got was a sigh. Tooth flew over to me with a smile. She patted my cheek carefully as a hello before flying over to the globe. She looked through the hole in the roof before mumbling;

"Wonder what the man in the moon will want us to do." as on command, the bright light came through the hole and landed on the small circle in the floor. He wanted us to get a new guardian.

"Oh, come on! We don't need another Jack... no offense." Bunny said and I shrugged as the light rose up. To say that we got surprised when three figures formed would be an understatement. North's jaw was about as long as his beard. Tooth would have fallen if she wasn't flying. Sandy had three exclamation marks next to his head and I accidentally froze a part of Bunny's foot, it kind of made him to busy to get an reaction of his own.

"There's three." I mumbled as Bunny jumped around with his frozen foot in the air. "Who are they?" I continued and tooth smiled faintly.

"I know them. That's Hiccup, here we have Merida and the blond one is Rapunzel." she mumbled under her breath and Bunny grunted.

"They're kids. We don't need any more kids here... no offense Jack." he said and I sighed as he continued. "We can't send children into danger just to protect other children. It kind of defeats the purpose."

"I don't know kangaroo... oh, no offense." I said and he brought up his fists to fight me. "As I was about to say. Last time we fought him, it was the actual children saving us from defeat." I said and North nodded quickly, causing Bunny to sigh.

"So, we go from the big four, to the big five and now we will turn into the big eight? It doesn't make any... sense." he got out as the moon light moved to me. It didn't hit any of the others, just me. Me and the glowing three holographic kids. "Huh... I guess it is back to the big four then." he mumbled and everyone's jaw dropped, including mine.

"Well. We just need to gather them all. Maybe my new snow globes can help us with the time issue. Question is, where do you four need to go?" North muttered and I smiled as two of the holographs disappeared, leaving only one. The blond one.

"Looks like I'm going too Blondie. Can you guys send the other two to us?" I asked and they nodded.

"I'll take Hiccup and Bunnymund can get Merida." tooth said and I gave her a quizzed look.

"Why the quick decision?" I asked and Bunny hummed.

"My wings will be needed at Hiccup's place. Bunnymund is the only one who can match Merida's temper." she explained and Bunny looked offended while I smiled.

"I guess it's time to save the world, again."

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