20. Heterechromia

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I deserve a trophy abi, third update, a little short of 3k words, please vote and comment.

Fahad took the last turn to Khadijah's house, she turned to him with curiosity, she'd thought he knew where they were going since he didn't bother asking, maybe it was her fault for not telling him.

Not knowing why she sat umoving, he turned to see her already looking at him, his heart thudded against his chest, he's never seen her this up close, in the afternoon at least with natural light, even though the tint in his car was dimming the light.

Not to be cliche but she had the most beautiful eyes, Layla had told everyone she has mismatched eyes, their contrast to each other made it more unique, one was obsidian black and the other the brightest hazel he'd ever seen, if Layla hadn't told him it was natural, he would've sworn it was lenses.

Seeing how he was looking at her intently made Khadijah turn away, she hated how people looked at her eyes like she was an alien.

"Let me call and see if she's around" she said to no one in particular, hoping Sadiya was at home.

He nodded wordlessly, he didn't understand but didn't say anything.

He zoned out of the conversation she was having on the phone, she looked upset and he didn't like it but he didn't know what was wrong. Even though she was quiet the whole time, the atmosphere was peaceful but now she seemed upset and he didn't like it.

Khadijah sighed and closed her eyes for a bit, she knew it would be rare to find Sadiya at home so it didn't surprise her. Now she was trapped between telling him to just drop her off then she'll find her way and call Veronica to pick her up, or she'll tell him to take her home.

"Can you please drop me off in Isa Kaita?" her shop was there, Victoria can drop her off at home, besides she had to oversee some things in the shop.

He nodded and reversed the car, his mind still on the reasons for her anger.

The shrill ringing of Khadijah's phone broke the terse silnce, Fahad was grateful for it because he hated the silence.

Contrary to Fahad's relief, Khadijah's mood dampened when she saw her mother's name flashing on the screen, she'd totally forgotten about that, she knew whatever it was her mother wanted to tell her wouldn't be good, her hunch was the fact that that's the second time she's calling her in one day, she'd forgotten when last her mother had called her or wanted her to be home, and if she did call it was to give her a message or send her.

"Khadijah?" hearing her name made her turn, he pointed to the phone which started ringing again, not wasting anymore time she swiped and put the phone to her ear.

"Um-" her mother's impatient voice cut her off, she closed her eyes the heaved a sigh, "-I'm on my way" she hung up and kept the phone. "Do you mind please just dropping me off here?"

Fahad turned to her questioningly, "Why?" he forgot he was driving, a tricycle honked overtaking him;

"Se ku dakko mota baku iya tuki ba kawai kuna bata ma mutane lokaci" (You'll just pick a car when you don't know how to drive and be wasting people's time) the man yelled sending the occupants of the car a dirty look through the tint. Fahad didn't know he slowed on a T-junction, he swerved the car his attention mostly on his companion.

"Something came up and I don't want to keep you"

"I don't mind" he smiled before asking for the address which she reluctantly gave.

They conversed through the traffic at some point, more like he asked questions to which she hummed or shook her head, he didn't mind though, he needed a little quiet before he goes back to the chaos that was Layla and Jawad, they both meant a lot to him and whatever decision they make doesn't only affect them but him too, Jawad needs peace and so does Layla, they just need to understand how to attain that peace, because neither of them could be fine without the other, they need to understand that.

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