19. Mutual Heartbreak

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Dedicated to friskriel for being the first to vote on the last chapter , and oh yeah it's a double update


Hajiya Fatima tried her absolute best to include Khadijah in their conversation but she kept drawing back, in fact, she had no idea what they were talking about.

Khadijah almost ran out of the room when her phone rang, she embraced the escape.

She checked the ID and answered "Yes Veronica" They talked for a bit while walking around the paved walkway, she hung up a few minutes later and turned to go back inside praying Layla was back.

"So, we meet again"

Fahad Abubakar Barkindo stood a few steps away from her with a big smile on his face, but to think about it, she's always seen him with that smile, he's always looking happy it makes her want to be like that.

"Good morning" it would probably be after twelve but she didn't care, it was the first thing that came to her mind.

"How are you Layla's Dee? I thought we were friends but you've never asked of me, I believe Layla didn't deliver the message but it's accepted" he kept ranting, another thing she realised about him was his chattiness which proves him being related to Layla, they talk a lot.

"Alhamdullillah" simple and short, it was always her answer. They stood in what would be called a comfortable silence except she was anything but comfortable.

Khadijah looked up a bit to see him standing with both hands in his pocket and dancing on his feet, he opened his mouth to speak but stopped when a crying Layla ran past them not noticing, Khadijah automatically followed her.

Khadijah followed Layla who ran for the stairs, her mother was standing when Khadijah entered but no one made a move to follow her, she looked to Hajiya Fatima as if asking for permission and when she nodded, she followed her.

The door was left ajar when she reached Layla's room, she was on her bed in tears, she was sobbing hard unlike earlier when she passed, knowing talking to a crying person is close to useless, she held her close and let her cry.

Layla sobbed hard, she couldn't decide what she was crying about, she told him no didn't she, buy why does it hurt so bad?

An image of Jawad smiling at someone else flashed before her eyes, she hugged Khadijah tighter willing the pain to go away. It wasn't supposed to be like that, she should be happy, she's free of him, Shaheed wouldn't be cold towards her again because she finally gave an answer, maybe not one he expected but he's told her to be clear so he can be at peace.

She felt her body growing weaker trying to fight the whispers, they would soon start yelling if she doesn't fight them but that's something she wasn't mentally or emotionally ready to handle, she embraced the peace and quiet that came with a deep slumber, besides the best sleep comes with a lot of tears.

"She's sleeping right?" Hajiya Fatima asked Khadijah who was trying to close Layla's door as noiselessly as humanly possible, she jumped a bit but nodded, Mamie pointed to the direction of the stairs and Khadijah quietly followed, she's learned not to ask questions even though it was at the tip of her tongue.

They all saw Layla running, obviously shaken, but why didn't anyone bother to try and console her? She's thought maybe it was because she was around, but they didn't know she was behind her or she saw her, they didn't even make a move to go after her and she was many steps behind Layla since she was walking while the latter was running, many thoughts ran through her mind but she didn't voice it, the only thing she wanted at the moment was for Layla to be fine, whatever made her cry like that must be pretty serious, she said a silent prayer for her friend's wellbeing.

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