Chapter 32: Bad Luck

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See y'all later
Stay safe

“What is the rush?” malam Sadeeq raised his eyebrows in question, his wife who was seated opposite him shook her head in frustrated wondering if he was slow or something of the sort, they’ve been at this for more than thirty minutes.

“What rush are you talking about? The prophet said not to delay marriage.” hajiya Ladidi sighed exasperated.

“This is rushing to me, he also said we should investigate first, and what about courting, do I have to remind you that she has a right to choose her husband, and as her father, I have given her all the right to do that, I suggest you accept that.” he turned his head to the news, dismissing her.

They heard Khadijah's honk, then the gate being opened.

Khadijah thanked Allah for the gateman being back, he'd gone back home for more than five months to tend to his sick mother, after she parked, she walked up to the man in his late forties and with a smile greeted him and asked about his family and his mother's health.

He replied in his thick Sokoto accent then she bid him goodnight and went back inside, feeling a sense of tranquility when she saw her father.

“How was the journey?” she couldn't remember where he went though.

“It was fine Alhamdulillah, how has work been?” she replied with the affirmative “Masha Allah, your mother told me about Layla, hope she is better now.”

“Yes, Alhamdulillah, she was discharged earlier today.”

“May Allah grant her shifa.” they replied with Ameen. Hajiya Ladidi asked if she was hungry, she wasn't surprised when she replied with no, she'd been expecting.

Khadijah sat with her parents for thirty minutes till they finished watching TVC's 10o'clock news before she called it a night, she'd jumped in the shower and got ready for bed, she checked her phone and saw no new messages, she climbed into bed and opened the azkar app on her phone, she dropped the phone somewhere on the bed along the line and snuggled into her blanket.

“Good morning miss.” Victoria greeted with a smile, Khadijah replied before asking for the updates she requested, with the paper in hand, she walked to her office and closed it with her leg.

She started from the first file which was labeled July, she went through it making corrections and jotting the contacts to be called that she’ll hand to the receptionist.

When she was done with the first one, she kept it on the other end of the table, a knock sounded on the door making her raise her head, Damilola, an intern walked in with a book in hand.

She greeted her politely the handed her the book, a sketchbook.

“Erm….We’ve gone through all and the graphics will be emailed later, he said he has adjustments to make.” Khadijah nodded and muttered a thank you, with a nod she turned and left.

Khadijah spent most of the morning going through the designs and orders, basically catching up on the days of work she missed, though Victoria is really helpful, there are some things she had to check herself.

The pen she was using was snatched from her hand, she looked up with a frown, her expression softened when she saw Layla standing over her table with a smile, she didn't hear her enter.

“How many breaks did you take today” she shook her head then reached for the pen, “Na-uh, food first then you can go back to work.” she folded her hands pushing her mouth forward in a small pout.

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