Chapter 57: Guest

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Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum make our last day be the best day of our lives and admit us, our parents, our families, friends and loved ones into Jannatul Firdaus. Amin.
Juma'at Mubarak.


“Okay.” He replied simply.

They were both quiet after that, lost in their individual thoughts. Khadijah shocked by what she’d uttered but too scared to take it back because it would make it real and, and Fahad, well his thoughts were treading along dangerous territories.

He snapped out of the trance first and settled his gaze on the woman beside him, she would take in a deep breath after a while but she didn’t look like she might relapse and start crying again, which calmed him to a point.

“It’s getting late, come” his voice was no less than a whisper and Khadijah looked up as if just remembering she wasn’t alone, she managed a nod but that was it.

When she looked up, her eyes were bright but not with joy, he didn’t know how to explain it but the contrast was blaring to a level that made him almost squirm, both eyes different in their unique way and the contrast was complimentary, at least to him. He took a deep breath then opened the driver’s side door and walked over to her side, he opened the door and when she slowly ambled out he closed it after her.

She stood a few steps away from him like she was scared to take the next step.

“Let’s go,” he said softly so as not to scare her, she looked like she might bolt any second from the tiniest sound.

They walked the small distance to Sadiya and Abdulrahman’s house in silence, basically just a few steps since he parked a little close to the gate and on the lane, not on the other side of the street like he usually did.

Like they were waiting at the door, the door pulled open revealing a hijab clad Sadiya whose worry spoke volumes, she didn’t wait for them to enter the house but rather walked out and pulled her sister into a hug simultaneously asking if she was alright and what happened.

Abdulrahman had to remind her to come in before she walked in still huddling her sister close to her, she managed a nod in Fahad’s direction before leaving the two behind. Abdulrahman invited him inside but he politely declined saying it was late and he had things to do.

With words of gratitude from Abdulrahman, Fahad who told him it was nothing left after requesting that he be called if anything came up.

Fahad didn’t know how he drove to his house safely because he was sure he didn’t know when he started the ignition or even put the car in drive. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead as he more or less waddled to the master bedroom, the only thing he removed was his shoes as he laid on the bed with a prayer on his lips, or was it his mind? He didn’t know and he didn’t care frankly.

He hugged the comforter to his body but it did nothing to stop the rapid temperature drop he felt around him, it felt as though he was wearing nothing but a very light tank top and only briefs in the bone chilling December cold back in Australia with snowflakes falling on his skin, it was that and not quite that, probably worst because he could feel the perspiration sliding down his back, he shivered with a ferocity that he thought would progress and he would start convulsing, he couldn’t find it in him to do anything but lay there praying in his mind.

Deceptive Glitters ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora