Chapter 71: Calm With You

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I told myself I'm updating on Saturday, still going to pretend it's Saturday 💀

Anywayssssss,guess who just became an aunt.......right.
Please say a prayer for my new born nephew, may Allah bless you as you do so.
This chapter is dedicated to him🌚❤️


Suleiman moved backed when Fahad stalked towards him, he had totally forgotten the mistake he had made and didn't seem ready to rectify it because he was still holding Khadijah's hand, said person was frozen in shock.

Fahad held the wrist of the hand that was holding Khadijah's and Suleiman yelped letting go immediately, it didn't look like he was applying any pressure to the on looker but how pale Suleiman was getting begged to differ.

Seeing they might come to blows, the security rushed to the duo but before they could get to them, Fahad pinned him to the wall still holding his hand.

Fatimah Batool that was watching the interaction knew it was time to intervene seeing Fahad was losing his temper and it wouldn't end well for his opponent if he loses it completely.

She has seen him once like that, when Noor had died and someone made fun of her, needless to say the boy ended up in ICU and Fahad was forced to go to anger management.

"Let him go." She urged in a soft voice placing her hand on his shoulder.

She watched him visibly relax and he let out a breath before letting go of the hand, not before they heard a scream and a crack.

He didn't say anything to him as he turned and looked for Khadijah that was crouched, trying to catch her breath.

Fatimah Batool got to her first and she helped her up.

At first contact Khadijah stiffened but she slowly relaxed into her hold and let the woman wrap her arms around her. The touch felt familiar but she couldn't tell how, her mind was still in a frenzy from feeling Suleiman's disgusting touch on her.

She'd remembered the nightmare she had recently of him and the touch had been a trigger, at first she thought she was going to have a panic attack because all the signs were there but the woman's touch had helped and she felt safe.

Something she could relate now to Fahad's touch, it used to be Sadiya then Fahad of recent but now this woman that looked so vaguely familiar.

She didn't let her mind wander too tired as it is.

Fatimah Batool helped Khadijah to the car while she let Fahad calm down, he was still on edge and she wasn't sure Khadijah would eagerly go into his hands after seeing how violent he almost got.

Alhamdulillah that at least he got a grasp on his temper, something that had taken him years to control.

The security that was behind her rushed and opened the door for her, when she made sure Khadijah was settled in, she crouched so they she could see her face well.

Khadijah looked up and made to stand up but she placed her hands on her knees letting her know it was alright.

Khadijah let her eyes meet the woman's and her breath caught in her throat.

Fatimah smiled and squeezed her hands, both sharing a connection even they couldn't tell, at least one side couldn't.

"Are you okay?" Khadijah nodded and answered in a small voice.

The woman looked like ummi she could tell, maybe that was why she felt calm around her. She told herself seeing how she always relaxed in ummi's presence.

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