17. Heroes don't wear capes

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Okay so obviously I haven't started studying yet, bad decision, I know, but it's a double update 💃💃💃💃
There is a chapter before this in case you didn't see the notification, wattpad is acting up.
Happy reading, please vote and comment and share.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" his voice was calm and held a tinge of guilt, she nodded since he wasn't who she thought it was.

"Why are you out here crying in the dead of the night?" it was like the tears were waiting for a trigger, they returned full force running down her face, ruining the little make up she did, it was only kohl which she was sure was ruined by her tears and smudged around her face.

"I'm sorry, please stop crying okay, can you tell me what happened?" she shook her head, what was she supposed to tell him? Oh I just saw my abusive ex husband and ran like a bat from hell because I'm pathetic for still letting him control me, what a waste right? Isn't the weather lovely tonight?

As tempting as that sounded since he was stranger and she would most likely never see him again, the words couldn't make it past her lips, she found it ironic how her lips weren't producing any words but her eyes were like a flowing river.

"It's late, do you live around here?" since talking wasn't something would do anytime soon he figured, he might as well take her home, it was late and she shouldn't be alone especially in a place like that, there was a brothel a few buildings from where she sat and drunk men trooped the area mostly at night.

"I...no...my car is....." she'd remembered she didn't even know where she was and made her want to cry more but she fought the urge, she felt pathetic enough.

"Can you tell me where it is then I'll drop you off?" she looked unsure when he pointed to his car, seeing her hesitance he sighed and ran his hands down his face.

"I'm a Muslim, I don't know if it changes anything but I won't hurt you, I also have a sister and I wouldn't want her to be helpless in a situation like this" she nodded but was still cautious, she followed him to his car and he opened the door for her, when he was sure she was seated he closed the door and walked to driver's side, she told him the location of the hall where the event was taking place and he nodded, it was a ten minute drive, he'd wondered how she got there on foot since she didn't have her car with her.

A shiver ran down his spine when he thought of how she could've gotten there, and the fact that she was crying wasn't helping matters, he prayed silently for it not to be what he was thinking.

He killed the ignition after parking in an empty space, she said her car was a few feet away, she was about it to open the door when he found his voice.

"Whatever is it that hurt you, remember that Allah is bigger than it and he never burdens a soul more than it can bear" he told her what was on his mind, something his mother tells him whenever he felt like giving up.

He opened the door and got down, helped her out and walked her to her car, when he was sure she was safe, he made to turn when she spoke.

"Thank you, for everything" he only nodded and told her to thank her creator, he was the one that sent him to her "Please what's your name?" she asked in second thought, she wanted to put him in her prayers.

"Farhan" she turned on the ignition of her car and drove out, she saw his car where they'd left it and he stood leaning on it, he wanted to make sure she was safe before going and when he was sure she'd left, he got back into his car and started his journey back home, thanking Allah for sending him out.

Farhan was on a call with his mother when he'd felt the need to leave his apartment, he stayed there whenever he visited Kaduna, he felt suffocated and decided to just drive around, he let his mind control him.

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