We run through the creek to avoid being seen, Jack stops under the bridge, as the guards cross above it. We look at the ship that Jack had his eyes set on.

"We're going to steal the ship?" Will asks, as if it were a surprise.

"Come now, Will, life is full of adventures." I tell him.

"That ship?" He asks, ignoring my comment.

"Commandeer, Miss Swann is correct. Life is full of adventures." Jack tells us, giving me a genuine smile.

"We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl. How far are you willing to go to save her?" Jack asks.

"I'd die for her." Will answers.

"Oh, good. No worries, then." Jack answers, turning back around to see when we would be in the clear to "commandeer" the ship. We sneak under a boat, and use that as our disguise. Me in between the two men, as we swim our way to the ship.

"This is either madness or brilliance." Will comments.

"Can it not be both, William?" I ask.

Jack chuckles at my question.

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide." Jack says, before stepping on a crate. We get out of the boat, and climb aboard the Dauntless. We walk past the steering wheel.

"Everyone, stay calm! We are taking over the ship!" Jack yells, gaining everyone's attention.

"Aye! Avast!" Will yells, causing everyone to laugh, by his making of a mockery of himself.

"This ship cannot be crewed by two men. You'll never make it out of the bay." The Royal guard tells us.

"Who said it was only two men?" I ask.

"Oh, two men and the governor's abomination of a daughter? Yes, you'll certainly make it out." He rolls his eyes.

Jack draws his sword, pointing it at the man's throat.

"Apologize to the lady." He growls at the man.

"Right, right, my apologies miss!" The guard shouts, frightened.

"Son, I am captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy? You say anything like that to my lady friend again, and I'll blow ye brains out." Jack threatens, and everyone flees the ship. We set off, and Norrington and his men come after the ship. Grappling hooks were hooked on to every railing, as every man, soldier, and sergeant came aboard the dauntless, we quickly switch ships with them, and set off. We cut all the ropes connecting the two ships, and sail off on the Interceptor.

"Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way. We'd have had a hard time of it by ourselves." Jack yells to Norrington, causing me to chuckle.

"When I was a lad living in England, my mother raised me by herself. After she died, I came out here looking for my father." Will begins.

"Is that so?" Jack asks, checking all the ropes.

"My father, Will Turner. It was only after you learnt my name, you agreed to help. Since that's what we wanted, I didn't press the matter. I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father." Will questioned Jack, rather abruptly.

"I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else called him Bootstrap, or Bootstrap Bill." Jack answers.

"Bootstrap?" Will asks.

"Good man. Good pirate. I swear, you look just like him." Jack tells him.

"It's not true. He was a merchant sailor. A good, respectable man who obeyed the law." Will tells him.

"Will, he was a pirate, get over it. That doesn't mean he was a bad man." I tell him.

"He was a bloody pirate. A scallywag." Jack answers him, fed up with WIill's nonsense.

"My father was not a pirate." Will says, unsheathing his sword.

"Put it away, son. It's not worth you being beat again." Jack tells him.

"You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you." Will tells him.

"No need, darling. I got this. If you'd kill me in a fair fight, it wouldn't be much incentive to fight fair." Jack tells him, before swinging the wheel, causing one of the planks to hit Will in the gut, to hold him over the sea. Jack grabs the sword, and points it at Will.

"Now, as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention. The only rules that really matter here are these. What a man can do, and what a man can't do. For instance, you can, like Miss Swann suggested, accept that your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't. Pirate is in your blood. Pirate is in Miss Swann's soul. So you'll have to square with that someday. Now, me, for example. I can let you drown, but that would upset the lovely Miss Swann. However, I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesy, savvy? So-" jack begins, before swinging the wheel again, so that Will was aboard the ship once more.

"Can you sail under the command of a pirate?" Jack asks, flipping the sword to where the handle faced Will.

"Or can you not?" Jack asks.

Will takes the sword, signifying that he agrees.

"You, Miss Swann?" Jack asks.

"Only if you call me Anna." I tell him.

"Aye." He nods, before turning back to Will.

"Tortuga?" Will asks.

"Tortuga." Jack repeats.

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