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A man lays in the bed, holding me in his arms, all I see are his chocolate brown eyes. His long brown hair, and that is all.

Nothing but that, as I look around me, I am in the captain's quarter's of a ship, on the open sea.

"Anna?" The distorted voice calls.

"Anna?" It calls again, only it's a little clearer this time.

"Anna?" My father's voice rings in my ears.

"Father?" I ask, fluttering my eyes open, as he draws the curtains.

"You and your sister. For heavens sake, you sleep the days away. I have a gift for you." He tells me, as the maid brings a box forward. I open it and a beautiful pink gown is revealed.

"Oh, Father! It's wonderful!" I tell him, absolutely in love with the beautiful gown.

"Isn't it?" He asks.

"May I inquire as to the occasion?" I ask.

"Does a father need a reason to dote upon his daughter?" Father asks, giving me his signature smile.

He chuckles lightly, as I head behind my screen, to try it on.

"Actually, I, I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today." Father begins.

"The ceremony? For Norrington?" I ask.

"Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony. Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become." Father tells me.

"Please, Father, sound more disappointed." I tell him, jokingly.

"How is my grandchild?" He asks.

"I have a feeling it's a boy. He's been kicking quite a bit lately." I tell my father, looking down at my somewhat medium sized baby bump.

"Yes, yes. Well, Norrington is a fine gentlemen, don't you think? He fancies Elizabeth, you know." He tells me, as I pull the dress over my head, it getting stuck on my bump. I gasp.

"Anna-Marie? Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Perfectly fine, Father. Just difficult to get over the bump." I tell him, laughing.

"I'm told it's the latest matertinity fashion in London." Father tells me.

"Well, the pregnant women in London don't seem to like to breathe." I tell my father, jokingly.

I hear another set of footsteps step into the room.

"Milord, you have a visitor." The other voice tells him. I finally get the dress over the baby bump.

"Go, Father, I figured it out. The maids will help the rest of the way." i tell him. He chuckles and bid his adieu.

I finish my dress, as Elizabeth comes into the bedroom.

"Sister." She addresses me.

"Bethie." I address her in the same joking manner.

"William has arrived." She tells me.

"Yes, you would know that wouldn't you?" I ask, jokingly.

"Oh, hush, Anna. Would you like me to do your hair? Like when we were mere children?" She asks.

"Please do." I tell her, sitting down on the bed.

"So, have you found a suitor?" She asks.

"I would not marry a man for money, Bethie. It is against my morals. I would marry for love, and that's if I were to ever marry. After everything I've gone through this past 4 months, it would be too much to trust a man. Not after what he did." I tell her, the tears quickly forming from the thought.

"Now, now, it'll all be fine. Father isn't upset with you, I'm not upset with you. You focus on yourself, and the child. I don't blame you for not wanting to marry. All though, I'm sure you could handle Norrington. You always have been." She jokes.

"Just because I stand up for my beliefs does not mean I would want to spend my entire life waking up to his face. He's a very handsome man, but he's not someone I could picture spending my life with." I tell her.

"I understand completely, sister." She tells me, before patting my shoulder, telling me she's finished. She helps me up, and we make our way downstairs.

"Oh, Elizabeth, Anna-Marie, you look absolutely stunning." Father says.

"Will! It's so good to see you. I had a dream about you last night." Bethie tells him. I snicker a little at her obliviousness.

"About me?" Will asks.

"Yes, is that entirely proper for you-" Father begins.

"About the day we met. Do you remember?" Elizabeth asks.

"How could I forget, Miss Swann?" He asks.

"How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?" She asks.

"At least once more, Miss Swann, as always." He tells her.

"There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. We really must get going. There you are." Father tells us.

"Good day, Mr. Turner." Bethie tells him.

"It was nice seeing you, Will, as always. I'll come by to see you later." I tell him, giving him a smile.

"Come along." Father demands.

"Good day... Elizabeth." He calls after us, quietly. He thinks I don't know. It's obvious the two fancy each other, if not love. Father is too blind to see this.

We climb in the carriage, and give him one last wave goodbye, but then we leave.

We arrive at the place of which the ceremony is to take place, and we go and stand in our positions. Father was kind enough to bring a dining chair for me, seeing as with my ankles, I cannot stand for hours at once without pain.

"Two paces march! Right about-face! Present arms!" The commander yells, as the men do as ordered, before Commodore Norrington walks beneath the armed weapons. I turn to Bethie, and notice her fanning at a very unusual speed, indicating it was getting highly difficult for her to breathe.

"Bethie, are you alright?" I ask.

"I can't breathe." She tells me.

"I forgot the dagger, damn it!" I whisper.

"Anna!" She scolds.

"Apologies, but if it becomes too uncomfortable, you should tell Father immediately." I tell her, and she nods, before giving me a sincere, loving smile.

The ceremony ends, and we all head outside or leave. I place myself by my sister's side. Norrington comes up to us.

"Anna-Marie. Lovely to see you on this fine day. How is your child?" He asks.

"I believe it to be a boy. He's quite the kicker." I smile at Norrington, from my seat.

"May I have a moment with your sister?" He asks.

"I cannot speak for Elizabeth, you can ask her yourself." I tell him.

"Elizabeth?" He asks.

She says nothing, but looks at me with pleading eyes. As if to ask if I'd be alright.

"I'll be fine, Beth. Go on." I tell her, and steps out with Norrington.

I take my chair and move a little closer to hear them, and to keep an eye on my sister.

"You look lovely, Elizabeth." He tells her, and she smile sand laughs a little. She cannot speak.

"I apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind. This promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved. A marriage to a fine woman. You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth." He tells her.

"I can't breathe." She struggles to say, from her lack of oxygen.

"Yes. I'm a bit nervous myself." He says, ignoring her concerns, I see my sister fall off the cliff edge, and try my best to get up. I hear a splash, as i finally get up.

He turns to see Elizabeth gone.

"ELIZABETH!" I shout. 

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