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"My god! The rocks! It's a miracle she missed them!" They say.

"You ignorant man! She told you she couldn't breathe and you ignored it! If my sister dies-" I begin.

"What are you all standing around for?! Save her!" I shout.

I beat the men to the docks, and I try to jump in the water.

A man in leather holds me back.

"Stop fighting me." He tells me, as I struggle in his grasp.

"That's my sister!" i shout at him. He removes his belongings, throwing them at me, and I catch them.

"Do not lose these." He tells me, jumping into the water after Bethie.

He removes her dress, and her corset, and pulls her to the docks, only in her undergown.

"She's not breathing!" One of the guards announce.

"Please, God, save her." I shout, the tears forming in my eyes.

"Move!" The man shouts, before taking his knife and cutting her corset in half. She immediatly begins choking on water, and vomiting it back up.

"I never would've thought of that." One of the guards announce.

I run towards the man who just saved my sister.

"Thank you!" I tell him, hugging him.He stands there for a moment, befor ehugging me back, and then pulling me away.

He pulls the medallion off her neck.

"Where did you get that?" He asks.

Norrington comes running in, with his sword drawn.

"On your feet." He tells the man in leather.

"Elizabeth!" Father shouts running towards her.

"Are you all right?" I ask her.

"Yes. I'm fine." She tells him, looking at hte man they called 'Smithy.'

"Shoot him!" Father commands.

"No, Father!" Elizabeth and I protest.

"What?" He asks.

"Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?" ELizabeth asks, and Norrington and his men lower the weapons. Smithy turns to us and places his hands together in thanks.

He mouths a 'thank you' to us.

"I believe thanks are in order." Norrington tells SMithy, holding his hand out to shake. Smithy hands him his hand, and Norrington pulls his sleeve up to reveal a large 'P' burned into his skin.

"Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?" Norrington asks.

"Hang him." Father tells us.

"No! You cannot kill a man for his lifestyle choices. You don't know if he's commited a true crime besides being himself." I argue with Father.

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons. Well, well, Jack Sparrow, isn't it?" Norrington asks him.

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir." Jack says to Norrington. His voice makes him 10x more attractive.

"Well, I don't see your ship, 'Captain." Norrington says, sarcastically dragging out the word 'Captain'.

"I'm in the market, as it were." He tells Norrington, squinting his eyes. at him.

"He said he'd come to comandeer one." One of the gaurds tell us. I never learned their names, so Theo and Leo will suffice.

"Told you he was telling the truth. These are his, sir." Theo says, handing them his personals.

"No additional shot, nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north." Norrington begins, before pulling Jack's sword out of it's sheath.

"And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are, without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of." Norrington tells him, causing me to scoff.

"But you have heard of me." Jack smiles at Norrington.

I chase after Norrington, who has taken Jack, possibly to rot in the gallows.

"Norrington, I really must protest." I tell him.

"Carefully, Lieutenant." Norrington instructs the person cuffing Jack Sparrow.

"Pirate or not, that man saved my sister's life, and possibly my own, and the life that I am carrying. I was going to jump in that water myself." I tell him.

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." Norrington tells me.

"Though, it seems enough to condemn him." Jack spouts off.

"You are arresting a man for his life choices? What would happen if I told you I loved women instead of men? That if I was a homosexual?" I ask causing him to look at me in shock.

"Anna-Marie Swann!" My father protests.

"Please, Father, it's obvious I'm not a homosexual." I tell him, causing Jack to snicker behind me.

"You are nto a homosexual, so you must not worry about that, now please move before I force you to move." Norringotn tells me.

"Don't lay a hand on the lady or the baby, savy?" Jack tells him.

"Finally." Jack says, wrapping the cuffs around my neck, gently, as though he cared to not hurt me.

"No!" Norrington protests.

"No! Don't shoot!" Father tells them.

"I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects, please. And my hat." Jack demands.

"Use a pregnant woman to do your bidding. Cowardly of you." Elizabeth shouts at him.

"Elizabeth, please, be quiet." I tell her, pretending to choke.

"Commodore!" Jack addresses him, when he doesn't move. COmmodore turns and grabs Jack's effects and his hat.

"It is Anna-Marie, isn't it?" Jack asks me.

"It's Miss Swann." I snap.

"Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. Come, come, dear, we haven't got all day." He says, as Commodore hands him the items. jack spins me around to face him, the gun to my head.

"Now, if you'd be very kind." He tells me. I wrap the belt around his waist, and put the hat back on his head.

"Easy on the goods, darling." He tells me, the way he called me 'darling' made the metaphorical butterflies in my stomach flutter, and the baby kick.

"You're descipable." I tell him.

"Sticks and stones, love. I saved your lives, and you saved mine. We're square." He tells me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

He spins me around to face them, before putting hte gun back to my head.

"Gentlemen, miladies, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow." he tells them, before grabbing a rope and hoisting us high in the air.

I let out a laugh, that was a little loud, seeing the look of disappointment my father gave me. Jack keeps a tight hold around my waist, as he makes his moves to one of the Navy ships. He lands on one of the planks holding the sail, and places me on my feet. He then, grabs me again, and zips across the rope, to the edge of the dock, and picks me up bridal style, and makes his escape. 

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