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When I awoke, I was on a very soft bed, in a large room. I could tell we were on a ship, but it definitely wasn't Jack's.

"So, you expect to leave me on some beach with nothing but a name, and your word it's the one I need and watch you sail away with my ship? My daughter?" My "father" questions.

"No, I expect to leave you on some beach, with no name at all, and sail away on my ship, and with Anna-Marie, if she chooses to go. Then, I'll shout the name back to you, savvy?" Jack tells him.

"That still leaves me on a beach with naught but a name, and your word is the one I need." Barbossa continues.

"Out of the two of you, Jack did not commit Mutiny. Therefore, it is only fair to him for your word." I tell them, causing them both to look at me, surprised I was awake.

"Ah, Anna. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl." Barbossa addresses me.

"Although, I suppose I should be thanking you. Because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you. If you hadn't left Anna-Marie on that porch, I'd still be rotting in the gallows, or even so, dead." Jack tells him, throwing an apple to me.

I catch it, and take a bite.

"My daughter, and my old friend. Quite a coincidence here." Barbossa begins.

"With all due respect, you did not raise me. You may have watched over me for 2 years, but 20 years is much more important than two. My father is Governor Weatherby Swann of Port Royal. I am all up for getting to know you, if you are, as you so claim to be, my father. You weren't there the night I was assualted by a friend of my father's. You weren't there when I learned I was with child. You weren't there. Governor Swann was." I snap, Jack caressing my hand, the entire time.

"Funny old world, isn't it?" Jack asks, a smirk set on his face.

"Hmm." Barbossa mumbled, giving me a look of pity, and sorrow, but keeping a straight face. "Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor." A crew member alerts us.

"You're going after my sister?" i ask him.

"Anna- you don't understand-" He begins.

"No, that is my family on that ship. That is the woman who raised me. For someone who wants to be a part of my family so badly, you don't show it." I tell him, and chase him out the door. Jack follows. Barbossa goes to the top deck, and pulls out a telescope.

Jack goes in front of it.

"I'm having a thought here, Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce? I scurry over ot the Interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion?" jack gambles.

"I apologize about what I said earlier, I know who has the medallion. I know where it is. I'll get it, bring it back, and I'll sail the seven seas with you, but please don't hurt them." I plead.

"I say that's the attitude that lost the Pearl. People are easy to search when they're dead. Lock them in the brig." Barbossa announces.

The crew members take us away to the brig, and locks us in the cell together.

The water soaking my shirt that jack had given me, and my trousers that were once Williams, but grew too tight for him, I slip and fall, my back to the wall.

"Apparantly, there's a leak." Jack jokes, before noticing I fell. He walks over to me, and helps me sit up, to where my back isn't really touching the wall.

"It's okay, Anna. It'll be alright." he tells me, as the tears slip down my cheeks.

"I can't lose Bethie, or William. There all I have besides my father." I tell Jack, and he wraps me up in his arms, and lets me sob, until I fall asleep.

I wasn't asleep long, when the ship suddenly took a sharp turn, throwing me and jack to the cage door, then to the wall, on multiple occasions. The harsh movements making me vomit outside the hole in the wall.

"Anna- get down!" jack shouts then pulls me down before the cannon ball could get me.

"Stop blowing holes in my ship!" He yells, as I continue coughing.

Jack grabs Gibbs leather flask and goes to drink, but it was empty. I looked to the door, only to see a huge hole where the lock would be.

"If I'm correct, a hole in where the lock was, automatically unlocks a door. No matter how strong the lock." I tell him, standing and walking to it, pushing it open.

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