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"Go, puppet! Walk the plank!" The pirates shout at me and my sister.

"Please, Barbossa, we can negotiate." I plead, as we inch closer and closer to the edge.

"Walk the plank!" They shout.

"Barbossa, you lying bastard! You swore they'd go free!" William yells.

"I agreed to the deal, you failed to specify where." Barbossa tells him, laughing a little.

"Though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine, don't it, lads? So I'll be havin' that dress back before you go." Barbossa tells my sister.

"You cruel monster!" I shout to him, falling into the water.

My sister comes in behind me soon after.

"Bethie, the baby, I can't-" I begin, before falling unconscious, in the water.

When I awoke, Jack was carrying me onto the beach, each bounce make the water into my throat come up higher and higher, until I choked on it. He then set me down on the sand, lightly, as I rolled to my side, and coughed up the water.

"I'm sorry, Jack. You shouldn't have to-" I begin, but he places a finger to my lips.

"Don't apologize, darling. It's not your fault. You were helping your sister. Are you alright? Is the baby-" He begins, and the tears form in my eyes, I'm not sure.

I shook my head.

"I don't know. I'm not sure, I can't feel him." i tell him, letting the tears slip.

"It'll be alright, darling. It'll be alright." He tells me, wrapping me up in his arms, as I cry to myself.

A Love That FlowsWhere stories live. Discover now