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My name is Anna-Marie Swann, Governor Weatherby Swann's reckless, dangerous twin daughter. 

When it comes between me and my sister, Elizabeth, the population seems to be drawn to her more than I. Perhaps it is my longing of being far from this land, or my dreams do not include marriage, or a family. I wish to be free. 

I wish to be independent, but my father would never allow that. 

I am the more audacious out of us two, constantly leaving my home whilst Father rests, and my sister being the sweet girl she is, she covers for me. Running through the village at all hours of the night, seeing many suitors. 

I was quite the handful, until the evening I found out I was with child. I realized that I was to be a mother, and I should start being a little more careful. 

Little did I know, these next few months would change the lives of me and my child.

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