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The distant sound of firing cannons fill the Port. Screaming, and explosions are all you can hear.

When I looked out the window, I saw a ship with black sails.

"It can't be. The Pearl?" I whisper, as Elizabeth makes her way to my quarters.

"Sister! Did you hear it?" She asks, worriedly.

"Of course I heard it, Elizabeth. I can't believe it. It's what I dreamed of when we were mere children. To meet a pirate." I tell her.

"Anna-Marie! You were kidnapped by this said pirate!" She whispers.

"I wish to be free, Bethie. I don't wish to be married, or to be forced into a relationship, that has no respect, loyalty, or trust. Who knows what would happen." I tell her.

"I understand, Anna, but you can't just take up the life of piracy." She tells me.

"Not all pirates are evil." I tell her, before she grabs my hand, and tries to pull me out of my bedroom.

"No, I will find a place to go, you must hide, Elizabeth. By now, everyone must think you're Nor- pardon me- Commodore's wife to be. You are much more important than anyone else." I tell her.

"You are with child!" She tells me.

"Yes, I am aware. Now, go! Go!" I tell her, and she hugs me one last time before rushing off to hide. I climb in my wardrobe, and sit in there. I hear Elizabeth shouting in the distant, before I hear a gunshot.

No, no, no. I hear footsteps running upstairs, and the slam of a door.

The tears quickly begin to fall.

I rock myself gently, and quietly sing to myself to block everything else out.

Yo ho

Yo ho

A pirates life for me

What if they're coming for me? I'm pregnant, and the governor's daughter, what fi they want me?

A few minutes later, I hear dead silence. No vioces or footsteps in the house

They have taken my sister. I eventually fall asleep in the wardrobe. Will opens the wardrobe, and hugs me.

"Thank heavens, you're alright!" he tells me.

"Yes, yes. I'm alright, but Bethie-" I begin.

"Pirates took her. I'm going down to the docks to speak with your father, annd Commodore." He tells me.

"My gown- I must change, but I will go with you." I tell him.

"No. I will not allow this." He says.

"I am 21 years old, I am to be a mother, I can capable of handling myself. I do not need a man to save me." I tell Will, and he sighs, nodding before exiting the room. Oh, I don't need to put on a new gown, let's just go.

"Come now, Will, let's go save my sister." I tell him, and he smiles before taking the lead. 

We rush down to the docks, and find Father, Norrington, and a few other Royal Navy men gathered about a table.

"Father, they've taken her!" I tell him.

"They've taken Elizabeth." Will finishes.

"Mr. Murtogg, remove these two." Norrington commands.

"Norrington-" I begin.

"We have to hunt them down, we have to save her!" Will states.

"That is your daughter!" I tell my father.

"And where do you propose we start? If you two have any information concerning Elizabeth, please share it." Father snaps.

"That Jack Sparrow. He talked about The Black Pearl." Theo begins.

"Mentioned it, is more what he did." Leo interrupts.

Norrington says nothing.

"Why aren't you doing something? We have a lead!" I tell Norrington.

"No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell, ergo, they are not allies. We will establish their most likely course." Norrington states, I take the dagger from my leg and stab the table.

"That will not find her. It is not good enough. Just because the pirates left Jack in his cell, doesn't mean he doesn't know where they're headed. Maybe he said something after they told him, and it upset them, so they left him, or maybe I'm wrong, but we have a lead. If you are not to follow it, then I will." I tell him.

"Mr. Turner, Miss Swann, you are not military people. You are not a sailor. You are a blacksmith, and you are a royal. You know nothing of what to do to locate Elizabeth Swann. This is not the moment for rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only people here who care for Elizabeth." He tells em, handing me my dagger.

"That is my sister." I tell him.

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